Genius Gone Insane http://www.¯\(°_o)/¯.com Aug 19, 2003 5,722 18 38 San Francisco Bay Area www. ̄\(°_o) Jun 4, 2004 #1 Seeing there haven't been many posts of late, maybe you guys have some input on this. When you use the Tube Screamer what do you set the "tone" knob at?
Seeing there haven't been many posts of late, maybe you guys have some input on this. When you use the Tube Screamer what do you set the "tone" knob at?
Brett - K A L I S I A Dreaded Moderator Feb 26, 2004 4,906 1 38 49 France Jun 4, 2004 #2 To quote Andy I would say "tone according to taste". Doesn't know if that helps (I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually but anyway ;-)
To quote Andy I would say "tone according to taste". Doesn't know if that helps (I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually but anyway ;-)
Andy Sneap Metal Guru Apr 17, 2002 2,713 5 38 55 at home Jun 4, 2004 #3 anywhere from 9 to 12 o clock usually