Tubes for Recto


Renegade Folk Hero
Jun 11, 2009
N.S.W. Australia
I'm thinking about retubing my 2 channel dual and was just wondering what everyone has in their rectos or what they would suggest for one.

At the moment they're all Mesa tubes, and I'm not at all unhappy with my tone, so the easy answer is "just stick with the Mesa tubes then". But at the same time I'm not adverse to trying other tubes if they're going to sound even better.

It's 6l6 at the moment and it'd take some pretty hard convincing to make me swap to EL34s.
If you do try EL-34's, I like the Ruby EL-34BSTR's.

For 6L6's, the SED Winged =C= are good, as are the Ruby 6L6GC-MSTR's.
Well you know that setup gets my full support Nic :D And as for 5U4's, I can count on one hand the amount of times I actually used 'em, but EH's got good reviews and were affordable so I bought 'em mostly just to serve as placeholders! :D
Damn I thought it wouldn't so obvious that I just went and looked at what you were using. :lol:

So the 5U4s only get used when you've got the recto on vacuum tube mode?
Yup, I think you can have 'em out when on diodes, but I never bothered to try! (and wouldn't recommend you doing so without consulting someone more in-the-know either :lol: )
Yeah, in the case of Recto tubes especially, I'd definitely go with "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
Yeah, I'm usually cool with most things being conventionally shipped internationally, but I think I too would hesitate if it were tubes :lol:
Tube Depot are like "We totally recommend you have tubes shipped in this padded tube case that we sell for 50 clams".

I can find the Winged =C= ok but nobody in Australia seems to keep the Pentas, relabelled Shuguangs or otherwise.
Dont mean to hijack the thread dude but ive been thinking about this exact same thing with mine! Just got some birthday money in aswell so its possible.

I looked into these, pricey but good? UK prices on this site im afraid:

Can't get those "SED's" in this country as far as I know so I guess this would be the next best thing. Just for power tubes that is.:)

So if some tube experts can get in touch id appreciate it :) I like the fact these were made for Mesa's.
Tube Depot are like "We totally recommend you have tubes shipped in this padded tube case that we sell for 50 clams".

I can find the Winged =C= ok but nobody in Australia seems to keep the Pentas, relabelled Shuguangs or otherwise.

You can email Doug at Doug's tubes and ask him. I think he does international shipping, and he seems to pack things well.

He carries the Penta Labs 12AX7's.
@ Jaymz:

As I understand it, Svetlana Electron Devices in Russia makes the Winged =C= tubes. They are marketed in North America as SED and everywhere else (EU, etc.) they are marketed as Svetlana. That being the case, those should be the same tubes. Watford Valves should be able to confirm this.
James, those look great dude, I'd go for 'em! (but not the current tubes Mesa sells, no thanks :erk: )

And Nic, Pentas are great, but if you can only find them for a really high price, I'd just go for regular Shuguang 9th gens (or maybe 3 Shuguangs and then two Pentas, one for V1 and one balanced one for V5, the PI spot)
Thanks guys, if I were going to splash out those would be the ones. I was just worried they were "knock off" SED's because I read a few articles that they changed hands or something and Svetlana is basically Sovteks with a new name. Glad that is probs not the case! Might have to be a purchase!

Do you think the difference would be with the £70?
Well it's always good to have a spare set around, so I would get them if you can afford them, but also, if your current ones are working fine and money is tight, I'd wait personally!
If you're looking for a change in tone though, you'd probably notice a bigger one by changing the preamp tubes!