'TURISAS' font.

It's very close, the A is capital though. Hopefully it can be found! I want to make a Turisas banner that just says "Tourists" with the band in a panama hats and sandles etc.
bwahahaa, when I was there for the last time I didnt know the band yet, otherwise I´d have turned completely nuts I guess ^^
well you'll always know at least one greek word too! not that it's going to come in useful, but still.
yahsoo is a good word, means hello
efkaristo and parakalo - thank you and please, also can be useful
malaka.... well you might not want to use this one in public... unless you're a firewind fan :p

(oh and all those spellings are wrong, but you pronounce them like that)
bwahaha, i hate that the letters are written differently in languiages, makes all the languages even more complicated to learn XD
i didn´t get that now...do you mean like the "ee" turns then into "eeee"? XD
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah okay, now I got it...
but ever really cehcked finnish grammar? then you can really shake your head, honestly XD
I know the Russian alphabet!

But yes, Mathias in them glasses with the clip on sunglass attachment and a bumbag....hmmm...
see don't know that word... although it's pronounced along the lines of ellinizo (i learnt the alphabet... but that's about it)

Hellinizo; close. Watch out for the rough breathing. The Greeks have a special verb for 'to speak Greek'.

And any bugbag / fanny pack would have to be made out of goatskin for Mathias to wear it. No self-respecting warlord would do so otherwise.
btw -i love moderators going off-topic with the other members *laughing*
Oh we do that all the time on the forum I admin. about 4 posts into the "official new album discussion" thread and everyone's talking about "that smarties advert".

In regards to the bumbag (although in American English a fanny is regarded as an arse, in English English it's actually a ladygarden) it should be made of florescent green nylon. And Jussi should be wearing a tshirt saying "I <3 NY".