Turkey Gig

To my lack of luck the sound was awful, and more interestingly everything in all gigs and stages went flawless upto the Anathema gig. I wonder what happened, the lads tried very hard to fix it, but to no avail, really. I really hated the crowd at first, because they were too "cheerful", it was more like a Blind Guardian concert than an Anathema concert. (Nothing against BG, I like them, just that I think it was weird all that cheering). But I guess the crowd's willingness was the factor that made up for the awful sound. The lads were very angry at first (deservedly so), but they looked like enjoying the gig towards the end.

I'd think that singing "One Last Goodbye" as a whole crowd would suck, but it turned out to be very cool. I was very moved by the song.

All in all, the sound was awful, but Anathema were great. :Spin:
I'll post some pics tonigth..

Ididn't like the crowd to, they didn't even move druing the concerts.. but the band was great.
it was a shame that faithlees started to play while anathema was on the stage.
Aah, the reason I said I didn't like the crowd at first was that I didn't like all that football cheering at the beginning or the constant yelling during the soundcheck. But I guess I was being a dick. :Smug:

But it was like almost everyone in the gig knew every single line of each and every song. It must feel quite good for an artist to see his works are being appreciated that much.

Btw, the cover of Comfortably Numb was awesome!o_O
without said:
the festival area was great too imo..
the sunset etc.
Yeah, definitely. I was there since the morning, and it was great, everyone was laid back and having a good time. It was also cool to see people (incl. myself :cool: ) in swimming suites until the sun had set instead of black t-shirts. :D
Grrr guys i am stuck in USA right now so i could not make it to Istanbul.. :cry: :cry: :cry:
and im also missing RTN.
my friend told me that Anathema was flawless and one of the best gig's he attended.

Anyone knows the setlist?
And without, i can't wait to see the pics my friend :p

How was Anathema though? were they happy to be back in Istanbul? did they enjoy themselves? i'd appreciate if danny would post here and tell us about that.

Ps:i think corleone was in backstage or something. he was telling us about that before the concert but i couldnt remember.. anyone seen him at there?
shroud of false
fragile dreams
one last goodbye
a natural disaster
temporary peace
a dying wish
comfortably numb


As you see the setlist was quite awesome. As I have heard (am not sure) Danny was also planning to sing and play Are You There? on keybard, unfortunately it was impossible due to problems. I saw Jamie and Vincent before the concert, and ran up to them like a fanboy! :tickled:

Anathema guys were great, really. They managed to pull off an incredibly remarkable night despite all the problems.

Cheers to the lads! :wave:
it was a wonderful concert, i was there 6 hours before the gig so i could see them in frontest middle.. i didnt expect them to play a dying wish, fragile dreams and panic, it was incredible to see them live, though they didnt play my favorite song, regret.. also deep was missing..
before the concert i saw band members (as anyone else did) and got some photos with vincent, he also signed my alternative 4 cd with my name on :) even hugged him there.. during the concert i remember shaking hands with the promoter and thanking him for bringing that band to turkey.. then after the show i caught some more band members, so i also have a photo with danny.. and one more thing, finally i met don corleone:wave:

we wont forget 20.06.2004...
downhand said:
then after the show i caught some more band members, so i also have a photo with danny.. we wont forget 20.06.2004...

:) i seriously need those pictures if it's not so much trouble and..

hell we will not! :headbang:
Don Corleone said:
excellent mates, they even shared their joint with me :headbang:
the concert place was a great choise for "that" :headbang:

Ehue, some of the fans had though that jamie was vinnie :p
it was great to chat them before the concert, they were all around :)
And i will send the concert photos to the official page anathema.ws as I've sent before... (gnz-but this time I'll send my photos not my friend's :p)
and if you have some, send them too.
and again...

i hate faithless...!? :devil:

Comfortably Numb
angelic said:
Ehue, some of the fans had though that jamie was vinnie :p
i first talked to jamie and he needed to say "i'm jamie" so sweet! but i knew that, anyway then i ran into danny, while we were talking jamie came there. i dunno why :oops: but i went "oh vincent!" then danny said "no, that's jamie, vincent has shorter hair now" i was like "oh shit" :bah:
i don't know how that happened, it's funny how incredibly stupid you can get around those guys! :loco: (ps. i was not stoned at all :dopey: )