Turning 40


Obey my dog!
Apr 24, 2005
Well, I turned 40 today...it really kinda sucks. I'm in a good place as far as family, job, and the rest of life...I'm in decent shape, good health and the whole nine yards, but it's a tough age to tackle.:erk:

I'm off this week, so I think I'll go drink some more after I get the kids in bed.:kickass:

I'll be a metal head forever and I'll shred until they embalm me and apply way too much rouge.:headbang:

40 blows...I'm fucking old. Sorry Billy...you'll always have a few years on me...Ha!:lol:
Happy Bday!

I turn 27 in a few days, and I am finding that tough to handle! Mainly because I just spent 8 years in the Air Force and now I am a 27 year old sophmore in college on unemployment! Its fun though!
happy B-day schenk.

get plowed man - just don't do Kevin Spacey on our ass and totally cash your self out like he did in that movie only to get waxed by the psycho woman.
say10 said:
Happy birthday brother. I feel you. I'm only 25 and I feel like I'm getting old. All my friends are getting married and having babies, and I'm like,"Shit, 5 more years and I'm 30!!!!"

I'll do a shot for ya tonight.

I already had a kid at 25...I have 4 boys now...my oldest is 16...at list I'm a cool dad...don't waste your youth, dude...do two shots! I'll have one too!:kickass:

i'm right behind ya! i'll be 40 at the end of March.

i cared when i turned 30 but i dont think i'll care that much about turning 40. i'm all for that one year closer to death thing, myself. :err:
SueNC said:

i'm right behind ya! i'll be 40 at the end of March.

i cared when i turned 30 but i dont think i'll care that much about turning 40. i'm all for that one year closer to death thing, myself. :err:

Thanks Sue.

Oh come on...you can't all want to croak that soon...that's depressing.:erk:
Schenkers gathered in their masses- da-da
fuckin schenker fuckin schenker-da-da
Evil schenker plots destruction-da-da
Fuckin shen an an an ker er er- da- ad
Oh jim bob- Da da ...da da da.... da..
Buzzard said:
Schenkers gathered in their masses- da-da
fuckin schenker fuckin schenker-da-da
Evil schenker plots destruction-da-da
Fuckin shen an an an ker er er- da- ad
Oh jim bob- Da da ...da da da.... da..

Man...I hope you record that one day...Ha!

Thanks Billy and Hawng!!!
Hey, That's "Dick Hole" get it right! :D It don't matter how old ya are, yer still rockin so it's all good, that was my point! Fuck you very much! :)