Turning monitors on their sides


462 Studio
Apr 26, 2006
So today just for fun I've turned the satellite speakers of my Event Tria system on their sides and I noticed a huge increase amount of detail in playback of things I've recorded and other music that I've listened to many times in the past.

Turning them on their sides has placed the woofers and tweeters both at almost exactly ear level, where before the woofers where ear level and the tweeters were a bit above.

Any thoughts on this practice other than turning them just to see over the console through to a control room?

Would it be "bad" to leave them this way for monitoring since it seems to have yielded a result that gives me more detail?
I've heard that it creates phasing problems (I remember "Modern Recording Techniques" specifically states this)
sounds like your monitors were not set up correctly in their native position. Setting them up to have the tweeter more at the ear level but correct orientation may yield the same effect?

This is entirely possible. The stands I am using are standard unfinished missionary style plant stands for all intents and purpose. I think they are roughly 42" high, just a guess without measuring. I suppose I could of course trim the feet to bring them down a little bit and position my ears a little bit closer in between the woofers and tweeters.
i've always read that your ears should be right smack between the woofer and tweeter

and i don't remember if you're better off having the tweeters on the inside or out, but i know that 1 way will cause all sort of weird shit to happen with the high end
i've always read that your ears should be right smack between the woofer and tweeter

and i don't remember if you're better off having the tweeters on the inside or out, but i know that 1 way will cause all sort of weird shit to happen with the high end

For the record, I have the tweeters to the far left and far right of me at the moment, with the woofers most inward. :)

I did notice one of two things, either an increase in the low end, or a decrease in the high end. Regardless; I perceived it as a boost in the low end in this position.
I was in a studio on the weekend and the NS10's were standing upright. WTF??? That's just wrong. If they really want there monitors vertical they can have my HS80's and I will reluctantly take the NS10's off their hands. :p