Tuska pics

kewl pics!! although its a bit sad...looking at Ale on his last gig...:(
man I love this one:

I was there too, though I missed most of the gig 'cause of some drunken idiot :Shedevil: Oh, how I'd like to kick him in the nuts for what he did...
I was there... I laughed my ass off when alexi said "onks tääl joku vitun gimmel, vai?! Huutakaa Tuskaa!" Bad thing in Tuska was lordi... Gay band...
stoned&drunk said:
I was there... I laughed my ass off when alexi said "onks tääl joku vitun gimmel, vai?! Huutakaa Tuskaa!" Bad thing in Tuska was lordi... Gay band...
lol i laughed when lordi's "wings" didnt work during the gig.. and a damn assistant had to run to the stage and fix them :)
the only thing that i dissliked in the cob tuska show was that there were to many ppl trying to get in the front row, i could barely breeth..
and that some fuckface threw a glass bottle at the band

gaz said:
I have the show on mini disc, recorded by myself.
Quality is good but not great, the concert sound was pretty shit throughout.

Can you put it on computer? With my minidisc i can...

And the bottle-throwing thing, i was standing next to the guy who threw that bottle! Me and my friends almost hit him... He was the hopper-kinofgay/guy who came to listen Lordi...

"Ku mä ajoin tänne, mä näin kaikilla vitun pysäkeillä mustaa nahkaa ja pitkää lettiä. Tänä viikonloppuna ei hevimiehelle vittuilla!" - Alexi Laiho

"When i drowe here, i saw on every fucking station black leather and long hair. This weekend there is no fucking with heavy-guys!"
Of course I can put it on computer and I always make some nice artwork for it.
Whether I want it all over the internet is another matter altogether. [which I don't]
Really the quality is worth the hassle of me putting it on the computer, apart from being Alexander's last show, it really has little significance.
gaz said:
Of course I can put it on computer and I always make some nice artwork for it.
Whether I want it all over the internet is another matter altogether. [which I don't]
Really the quality is worth the hassle of me putting it on the computer, apart from being Alexander's last show, it really has little significance.

I WANT THAT!! I want to remember alexis speaks! Please, i beg you! Wanna trade? PM me...