
Okay, I think I give a try and make a semi full Tuska review now.


We (Ormir aka Sami & me) were at the gates around 14:00 but we had to realize that it wont be an easy matter to get in...thousands of ppl had the same idea so we ended up at the end of a 150 m long line :erk: Barely made it to Moonsorrow, and to make things worse, my camera refused to work :yell:
But apart from that, the gig was very kewl, they played all of my fav songs, thanks sorrow-guys ;)
After this I helped my cousin and his gf to get in (they didnt have ticket so we threw out ours), missed the first two songs of Amorphis but the rest was awesome. They played Alone, Goddess of the Sad Man, Day Of Your Beliefs, My Kantele and a few more. Pasi was in a cold mood as usual, but it was obvious that he luved as the crowd worshipped him :p
Next must-see was The Haunted in the Sue-stage (btw, during the day I met with Jensen a few times heh), but since I was interested in Thyrane too, we changed stages for the last song.
I missed Strato since we were waiting for Sentenced to start and to get a good place. Master Death Laihiala was wearing a funny looking hat but anyway, the gig was a blast!
I was not really interested in Type O so we grabbed smthing to eat and then headed to Tavastia where I met with my current host, Samuli (Finntroll guitarist).
Sami went home early so I stayed with Finntroll and my cousin. We went to some club after Tavastia then home and sleep finally heh.

I dunno around what time, maybe 14:00 or 14:30 we ended up there with Samuli on saturday, but anyhow, I missed the first few bands.
Then I met with Sami and since Samuli had to go back to work, just the two of us went to see Lullacry. Well, what should I say...it was nothing extraordinary, even if they played my fav song (Trust).
After that we tried to survive some Lordi songs then went back to the Sue-stage to wait for Norther (meanwhile we heard Behemoth and from a distance, Timo and the Homorape guys :p ).
Finally came Norther and they were very good, played the ultimate hit sang; Unleash Hell of corse :)
We left before it ended so get a good place for CoB, well...'nuff to say that it could have been a good idea...2 hours before :yell: Anyway, we were at the far left side of the stage and I was not surprised that the´guys made a huge show.
Went to Tavastia after Tuska again, then home and sleep :p

Since we were really fucking tired the day before we could only make it to Arch Enemy. Angela has an awesome voice, I knew it before but now it hit me again :) Even bought a camera so I took a few pix, later Im gonna post 'em. From the last 10 mins we changed places to the Hellsinki stage to see Barathrum. We just made it to their greatest hit; Last Day In Heaven. I heard from my friends later that Sova was so drunk that he fell from the stage once and Tuska organizers banned him from the festival for life...
Anyhow, after Barathrum we desperately wanted to get into the first row for Finntroll...but only ended up in the second...oh well, it was not that bad either, since there was a really short girl in front of me so I could see everything :p At 18:45 finally started the best gig of Tuska! No matter that they played in the smallest tent, the trolls did their best and gave a huge concert, even Katla sang a few songs! Iirc they played Svartberg, Jaktens Tid, Vatteanda, Kitteldags, RivFader, Midnattens Widunder, Försvinn Du Som Lyser (metal version) etc... took like 22 photos of the gig :D
So after a huge headbanging and moshing when the gig ended, we left the pit and said farewell to Tuska...(i was not interested in Ministry)
Went to Semifinal for a lil' and then home again...

I am especially proud of my Finntroll and Pakanamaa girlie t-shirt bought at Tuska ;)
If I'd had to pick the 3 Best gigs I'd say: Finntroll, Sentenced, Moonsorrow.

So what can I say more...thank you Tuska for this amazing experience, and 'hello' to every person I met with there! (Hearse, Zeanra, Rappion Lapsi, ouga, manugelv and of course to You Sami :wave: )
See ya again next year hopefully, or even sooner ;)
"You look fucking great" and "you have a fucking good ass" were the only things you said I didn't have to translate to Zsuzsa :lol:
Ormir said:
"You look fucking great" and "you have a fucking good ass" were the only things you said I didn't have to translate to Zsuzsa :lol:
OMFG...I can imagine Rappion...you seems so romantic person...first chick like you because you show to all (on your shoes) what you ate for lunch, and then add this nice nice words...man, you're the kindness person I ever know. respect :worship:

Tut Ankh Amon said:
so finnish men DO know how to be romantic after all, huh? :lol: :p

Well, some finnish chicks are crazy enough to like guys, who puke all over themselves... :rolleyes:
And it's just that we have take what we can, almost all finnish guys are just as romantic as he is, so there's not much of a choice for us :p
Nonono... I said some girls are crazy enough, not me! :p
When I said that we have to take what we can, I meant less "romantic" guys :lol: not those, who puke on themselves.
Well, at least my husband doesn't go puking all over himself, I guess I wouldn't have married the guy if used to do so... :yuk:

But that doesn't mean that he's not "romantic" in other ways ;) :lol: