Both tones sound great, the first time through I had some time finding differences, but I attribute that to my crappy speakers here at work. Since that is a very wishy-washy attitude, I'd choose the second clip. Great work though!
2 sounds a little brighter, basically more clear. I like it more. Overall sounds fine really, only thing I think would be good is just to bring them up a little volume wise.
i prefer clip 2, it sounds like it has more mids. The first clip sounded good too, though. I think the guitars are alittle lacking in the balls department.
Thanks for the comments, guys. I re-amped things a little more & got the guitars up to "crushing" status. Actually, the new tone is the heaviest I've ever got... Thankfully, I remembered to write the settings down!
I'll post the final version in the next few weeks.