Going batshit! Help me make up my mind!

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Hey guys,

It's been fucking endless since I've posted onto this section of the board. Been busy, that's for sure...

Anyway, just want to share a little lesson: Reamping is great, but you can drive yourself crazy trying to make up your mind...which is where I'm at. I'm working on a fairly big project & can't decide where to go with the rhythm tone.... so, I've narrowed it down to two candidates.... both using very different micing techniques....

Let me know which one you prefer.... BTW, no limiting was added, so crank it up!

Thanks for any input,
My first impression when hearing the second tone after the first one was "OH MY GOD, THE FIRST ONE IS BETTER!", but that lasted only for a second. After that, it felt like the tone was home with the music and everything was cool.

But now I've listened to both a couple times, cycling between them, and I think #2 is better but it also feels louder, which might be why it feels better. I would probably want to have vocals and ... well everything that's supposed to be in the mix, if possible, to really decide which one is best.
IMO, #2 is a lot better and not just because it's louder. It's got more power and doesn't have the harsh treble.

On a side note, I like the kick, but not the snare.
Odd man out, but I thought number 1 sat better in that mix. I thought number 2 was a bit too harsh sounding and stuck out a bit too much taking away from the rest of the mix. Just listening on headphones though (decent ones, but still...).
While I personally prefer the sound in clip number 1 the most, I think the guitars in clip 2 fit the riffing and overall sound more (if that makes sense). But geesh, I love that sound in clip 1. :)
It's a 100% real snare... ....and it's not quite dialed in yet. It's most definitley an "in progress" mix.

Anyway, thanks for the input, guys! Much appreciated... I've already got something else formulated... a "clip 3" if you will.. the 5150 seems to be co-operating today ....so I'm going to give the full reamp another whirl...
Thanks again for the input, guys...

Clip 1 was a 57 & 421 blend, clip 2 was straight 57.

I've got a third sound now, and I'm much happier... WAAAY less fizzy. I'll have to post it later.
Thanks again for the input, guys...

Clip 1 was a 57 & 421 blend, clip 2 was straight 57.

I've got a third sound now, and I'm much happier... WAAAY less fizzy. I'll have to post it later.

Ahh, that explains my preference for number 1. The 421 has always been my favorite mic. Can't wait to hear your new solution!