Please help me pick my favorite speaker! (and sorry Lasse, but you're wrong :D)

Sorry ! What I was trying to say is that I agree with Ermz's view on guitar tones and the Fizz vs Fuzz thing hehe. Im not saying that your tone is bad.. or trying to change Ermz's words to make you belive that.
IMHO your tone is good.. but I dont know why it has that harsh sound.. it could be the too much treble or little bass.
Moggs are multitracks.

Try: Treble: 1:30 / 2:00
Mid: 9:30 / 9:00
Bass: 1:30 / 2:00
Presence: 12:00 ? IDK

Lower the Master volume. ?

Do you have the Dual Rec Manual?

I dont thing Bass is gonna add Fuzz or Sizzle..

Haha, yeah dude, I've read the manual in great detail, and trust me, raising the treble any more sounds like a cat hissing when he's cornered, and the bass any higher is flub/boxy city. No, I'm quite confident this is the best the amp can sound as far as the settings (and this channel on the amp) goes, but when I get it in a full mix perhaps I'll experiment with selective post-eq; that said, I've re-amped for some people and heard the tones in full mixes, and they sound pretty durn good to me, so I'm willing to have faith! :D

Thanks Kimon, Tachy, and Mark, and Michele, I'll upload the guitars-only files shortly!
haha, would never say that it does not make a difference (of course it does), I just said that the difference between the speakers is much bigger than between the positions they're in ;).

that was actually directed towards all the "Andy, do you like top or bottom speakers better" questions....just pointed out that the actual speaker makes a bigger difference than whether it's top or bottom, so that question doesn't make much sense
Oh really? [angry lawyer voice]THEN PERHAPS THIS WILL REFRESH YOUR MEMORY!!![/angry lawyer voice] :D

Did you mic a top or bottom speaker on the Engl and Marshall? (I think I remember your Engl being slant, dunno about your 1960)

I miced the best sounding speaker in each cab...

but it's NOT the position the speaker is in, it's the actual speaker that makes the difference

And any thoughts on your favorite speaker Lasse? ;)
Oh really? [angry lawyer voice]THEN PERHAPS THIS WILL REFRESH YOUR MEMORY!!![/angry lawyer voice] :D

And any thoughts on your favorite speaker Lasse? ;)

ha, well, I still stand behind that;)
I pick the best sounding speaker, in some cabs it's one at the bottom and in some cabs it's one in the top slots....
it's NOT always top or always bottom => the speaker is what makes the difference, not the position.
that doesn't mean that the same speaker wouldn't sound a bit better/worse in another position, but that's not the main thing I'm basing my decision on.
the differences you hear are primarily the differences between speakers (otherwise the top speakers would sound similar and the bottom ones would....not the case.

so what you actually found out is that slant mounted speakers sound a bit different than the ones mounted parallel to the rear of the cab...that's easy physics, I would never deny that....I just say that it's not the reason why you like one speaker better than the other.

you did turn the cab when you miced the speakers, didn't you? otherwise this test would make fuck all sense, so I assume you did. (reflections from the floor etc)
so what you actually found out is that slant mounted speakers sound a bit different than the ones mounted parallel to the rear of the cab...that's easy physics, I would never deny that....I just say that it's not the reason why you like one speaker better than the other.

Hey, I always felt that way, I was just responding to what you said (which I guess I misunderstood). Anyway, just busting your balls man! :)

And yeah, I didn't put the cab on its side, but I elevated it from the ground by putting it right on the edge of a coffee table, so it's essentially the same if not better! (cuz less resonances transmitted into the floor)

I know, I sometimes have the tendency to paint stuff in black and white and make not quite clear that I'm also aware of the shades in between

nah, wasn't able give the files a listen yet...will do though.
Hahaha, subtle as ever :lol: And yeah, whenever you get a chance on listening, no rush! (especially interested in your thoughts on top vs. bottom, and on the tone in general!)
i have to say these tones arent doing much for me
too fizzy :\
IMO marcus, you should be a tad more agressive with that bass knob, and then make a big surgical cut at 100hz.
that way you're left with teh 200hz that sounds oh so thick and meaty and good and enough 100hz for the ka-chunk but not so much that it drowns out the bass guitar

but hey thats just me.
Marcus, beastly tone. V301 TOP ALL THE WAY!

Sounds great. Add some bass and beef up those drums and you'll have a killer recording.

My top right speaker is best in my Rammcab too XD
Thanks guys! Greg, I gotta tell ya dude, I think I may have to take a drive down to Long Beach some time this summer, I'm itching to be awe-inspired by your amp arsenal :D Michele, thanks man, and yeah, I agree 4 is super muffled, though actually I tried mic'ing it up again yesterday and determined that I actually was a bit too far from the dustcap in this first test; still, it is a very muffled sounding speaker!

Gareth, I'll experiment with the whole boosting-then-cutting bass thing, but as for fizz, well, all I can say is it's a question of balance; any further from the dustcap and the low-mids get difficult (cloud-city, Lando style :D), and I'm quite confident the fizz will disappear in a full mix (especially with V30 1 delivering the goods). Thanks for listening though dude, though maybe you should chill with the ampsims and try mic'ing up your 5150II/Framus so you can remember what a real amp and cab sound like! :heh:
Gareth, I'll experiment with the whole boosting-then-cutting bass thing, but as for fizz, well, all I can say is it's a question of balance; any further from the dustcap and the low-mids get difficult (cloud-city, Lando style :D), and I'm quite confident the fizz will disappear in a full mix (especially with V30 1 delivering the goods). Thanks for listening though dude, though maybe you should chill with the ampsims and try mic'ing up your 5150II/Framus so you can remember what a real amp and cab sound like! :heh:

Just you wait a few weeks.. ;)