Marcus, never fear, my partner and I were able to bring home a 3 ch. Dual and a Roadster and compare them with 4 different Tube Screamers and of course, through a Mesa Recto Cab.
I concur with everything you've said. =D
The Roadster sounds slightly darker and something about the low-end strikes me differently. Needless to say, I was stoked w/the Roadster and the Dual was just as good in it's character, but the subtle differences in the character of the Roadster made it for me. We're getting a Roadster.
I concur with everything you've said. =D
The Roadster sounds slightly darker and something about the low-end strikes me differently. Needless to say, I was stoked w/the Roadster and the Dual was just as good in it's character, but the subtle differences in the character of the Roadster made it for me. We're getting a Roadster.