Mesa 2 Ch. Dual Rec vs. Roadster comparison! (AKA I NEED ROADSTERZ)

Which mode of ch4 did you use on the Roadster? (Modern, I assume.)

I really dig the Brit and Tweed modes of ch1 and ch2, almost enough to buy a Roadster just for those tones, but no matter how many times I try one in a store I haven't heard a ch3 or ch4 mode that didn't sound awful. :(
awesome, im going to reamp and try it out on my 3ch dual rec. btw, you think it would be worth it to return my 3ch and exchange it for a roadster? i got the 3ch because i liked the more options over the 2ch and more options is always nice.:rock:

Well the Roadster definitely has more options, and I'm pretty certain most (including me) would think it sounds superior to a 3 ch. Dual, but having never played a 3 ch. I can't say for certain!

Which mode of ch4 did you use on the Roadster? (Modern, I assume.)

I really dig the Brit and Tweed modes of ch1 and ch2, almost enough to buy a Roadster just for those tones, but no matter how many times I try one in a store I haven't heard a ch3 or ch4 mode that didn't sound awful. :(

Now that's just crazy talk dude, channels 3 and 4 sound god-like (cuz I've heard the very rig I tested in a live setting, and :notworthy ), I just clearly didn't have them dialed in right for this test! And yeah, Modern all the way :rock:
Well the Roadster definitely has more options, and I'm pretty certain most (including me) would think it sounds superior to a 3 ch. Dual, but having never played a 3 ch. I can't say for certain!

Now that's just crazy talk dude, channels 3 and 4 sound god-like (cuz I've heard the very rig I tested in a live setting, and :notworthy ), I just clearly didn't have them dialed in right for this test! And yeah, Modern all the way :rock:

Channels 1 and 2 are pretty amazing though. They might even sway you into some vintage crunch and mid-gain tones :grin:
Yeah, maybe it's relative. Maybe I'm SO impressed with how awesome ch1 & 2 are at what they do, that by the time I get to ch3 & 4 their mere greatness is a let down. :goggly:

Interesting but by no means scientific observation: I once sat on the floor in a used equipment shop for an hour comparing various tubescreamer type pedals through a 3ch Dual, and with a Zakk od pushing / tightening vintage mode on ch2 it sounded indistinguishable from a Marshall JCM900 SL-X through the same cab with no pedal in front. Kinda made me want to spend more time with the 900 instead. :lol:
Or maybe I just need to actually be able to tweak it while listening through monitors I can actually trust :D (see post 23)

I'm not talking about making the Roadster Tighter. I'm sure you can work your magic. I'm talking about comparing the tightness between a dual and roadster. It just seems as though when the amp came out someone goes 'it's tighter' then people run with it with no factual basis. That goes for alot of gear though.

Both the clips are kick ass and tightness of the amp isn't something I really care about. I like it a bit saggy. :lol:
Why couldn't I have a distant uncle that nobody ever told me about die and leave me his entire fortune provided I spent one night in his haunted mansion?

Stupid conventional family.

Oh well, I still love my 2 channel. I think I'm going to have to buy a slant recto cab for it when I get a scholarship though.
Channels 1 and 2 are pretty amazing though. They might even sway you into some vintage crunch and mid-gain tones :grin:

Haha, prehaps - guess I'll have to buy one and find out!

I'm not talking about making the Roadster Tighter. I'm sure you can work your magic. I'm talking about comparing the tightness between a dual and roadster. It just seems as though when the amp came out someone goes 'it's tighter' then people run with it with no factual basis. That goes for alot of gear though.

Both the clips are kick ass and tightness of the amp isn't something I really care about. I like it a bit saggy. :lol:

Haha, thanks dude, and yeah, a little sag gives some sweet dynamics and punch that I love! And who knows how these rumors get started, bunch of interwebz fagz slingin' the hate (in the words of Sloan :D)

So, you're pretty certain that you can't say for certain? :lol:

HAhahahaah, yeah, I noticed that but was hoping no one would catch it - bastard :lol:

Why couldn't I have a distant uncle that nobody ever told me about die and leave me his entire fortune provided I spent one night in his haunted mansion?

Stupid conventional family.

Oh well, I still love my 2 channel. I think I'm going to have to buy a slant recto cab for it when I get a scholarship though.

Hahaha, well ya never know what the future may hold! :D But still, you will NOT be disappointed with that pair IMO!

"So what you're telling me, Percy, is that something you have never seen is slightly less blue than something else... you have never seen."

PRECISELY :D (what's that from btw?)
Eek, yeah dude, definitely very fizzy, almost solid-state sounding I'm sorry to say, though it certainly shows that the amp isn't necessarily muffled! :D What was your setup?
Ah, you tricky bitch :D And yeah, I totally hear it now, just goes to show the impulses/samples made with the Dual Rec need some serious cutting! (it's the way the modern mode on the amp works, there's no negative feedback which almost makes it sound like some of the preamp signal is blended in, so to compensate the preamp section of the Rectifier is low-passed; works great when it's the two together, but trying to split them up ends up being a bit funky it would seem!)
For those living in Europe:
I bought my Roadster for 2276 € (incl. shipping) from instead of Thomann. Right now the price has been 200 GBP higher then before, but that would still be around 2500 €. Only thing u should keep in mind is the different lead that comes with the amp, but u just take one from a computer for example (that's what I did)
Haha, well I don't think most of my tones are honky anymore (except for this most recent one, but as I said I realized I was too far from the dustcap for it ;)) I dig yours though dude, maybe a touch too much honk in trying to match my (flawed) attempt, but very chunky, and here are the drums!