Mesa 2 Ch. Dual Rec vs. Roadster comparison! (AKA I NEED ROADSTERZ)

oOoOo this clip sounds wicked Marcus... I don't know if the price difference of the Roadster is going to be worth it for any marginal improvement in tone, but the 4 channels and extra options are pretty rad, especially for a studio amp. You need to get that damn Roadster over to your place where you can really give it a whirl in your own science lab :lol: This 2 ch clip shits all over the other one you posted so it makes me wonder how good the Roadster could sound back at your place...

If you do decide to sell the 2 ch for a Roadster let me know, I may have to grab it off you if I don't find a Roadster of my own first! :lol:

Edit: So I definitely like this new 2 Ch tone the most, stomps both of the others IMO.
Marcus, fuck that that fuckin Mesa...bring out from it some air. :) It sounds so close.

Thanks Adam and Joe, but I gotta agree with Michele on this one, I tried going farther from the dustcap for this last test (around 30% on/70% off), and he's right, it does sound closed/muffled/stuffy IMO - sorry guys, it's gotta be closer to the dustcap for me! (too many conflicting opinions, arggghhh :lol: )
Thanks Adam and Joe, but I gotta agree with Michele on this one, I tried going farther from the dustcap for this last test (around 30% on/70% off), and he's right, it does sound closed/muffled/stuffy IMO - sorry guys, it's gotta be closer to the dustcap for me! (too many conflicting opinions, arggghhh :lol: )

I think it sounds way more full than any of your previous tones. This is something I struggle with as well. I hate, hate. hate too much dustcap, but my tones are way darker otherwise. I need a happy medium.

Well part of it is having a bass in the mix, but also, that's where I'm thinking the Roadster could help! (once I tweak it more, for the 4 millionth time, before someone else says they don't like the clip I posted :D) But I know I'd rather have cutting and slightly thin than full and slightly muffled!
Hey, you got it Adam, seriously - it's yours if you want it! $1225 shipped (maybe $1250 to Canada, I'll have to investigate rates), and it comes with a high-quality padded slip cover from D2F on ebay and a custom two button footswitch that can control both channel switching and toggling the loop! (and it has a DIN 7-pin cable on the footswitch end that splits into two TS 1/4" plugs on the other end, very cool, courtesy of Voodooman switches, also on ebay!)
Hey, you got it Adam, seriously - it's yours if you want it! $1225 shipped (maybe $1250 to Canada, I'll have to investigate rates), and it comes with a high-quality padded slip cover from D2F on ebay and a custom two button footswitch that can control both channel switching and toggling the loop! (and it has a DIN 7-pin cable on the footswitch end that splits into two TS 1/4" plugs on the other end, very cool, courtesy of Voodooman switches, also on ebay!)


I don't know how long you are planning on holding on to it but I'll be home from work next week, give me a chance to check out a Dual in person and if it's really that much better than my Single I'll be in touch :erk: Don't hold it for me or anything though, if you sell it it's no big deal.
Well part of it is having a bass in the mix, but also, that's where I'm thinking the Roadster could help! (once I tweak it more, for the 4 millionth time, before someone else says they don't like the clip I posted :D) But I know I'd rather have cutting and slightly thin than full and slightly muffled!

Yeah man, I definitely think having the amp cut is important, it's just I listen to clips like Lasse's new Krankenstein clip, and it's just so full and chunky, yet still remains present.

Well with Lasse I definitely know he goes almost entirely on the dustcap, so clearly there's something else at work! (part of it could be that he drives his API's hard which adds a nice fullness, another part is it's a different amp, and of course, he's Lasse :D)

Adam, cool dude, just let me know!
Well with Lasse I definitely know he goes almost entirely on the dustcap, so clearly there's something else at work! (part of it could be that he drives his API's hard which adds a nice fullness, another part is it's a different amp, and of course, he's Lasse :D)

Adam, cool dude, just let me know!

Yeah, that's another thing that gets me...too much dustcap makes me want to vom when I mic my amps, but his tones are nice and full yet not too ice picky/harsh!

My Royer on the dustcap = awesome... Still need to fiddle with it more and really learn how to process it afterwards but that thing doesn't work anywhere except the dustcap from my experience :lol:

Yeah, ribbons tend to be less picky about placement. The SM57 is a bitch at times!

How far from the grill do you place your Royer usually?

Hey Marcus, how about sending it to Greece? Would that be possible for a purchase?

Hmm, I'll have to investigate dude, though considering the size and weight it may be pricey! Also, it's wired for 120 Volts, though you could get a step down for not much money I'm sure. I'll let you know!

My Royer on the dustcap = awesome... Still need to fiddle with it more and really learn how to process it afterwards but that thing doesn't work anywhere except the dustcap from my experience :lol:

Yeah, my experience with ribbons is they're dark as all hell, so I'd imagine straight on would be the way to go!
Ok man, do your research an pm me if you're interested, so we can discuss if we can handle a purchase. By the way both the roadster and the rectifier tones are very good!! I prefer the roadster with a bit more highs. How about the clean tones of both amps? Any similarities-differences?
Well the Roadster has the Lone Star clean channel which is supposed to be god-like, but I think the 2 ch has a pretty damn good clean sound too! (just took me awhile to realize that you have to have the gain at like 9:30 to keep it clean, but you can still get plenty of volume!) WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY better than a 5150, that's for sure! :D
awesome, im going to reamp and try it out on my 3ch dual rec. btw, you think it would be worth it to return my 3ch and exchange it for a roadster? i got the 3ch because i liked the more options over the 2ch and more options is always nice.:rock: