Please help me pick my favorite speaker! (and sorry Lasse, but you're wrong :D)

For sure, can you recommend any band/song of which has hardly no fizz in the guitars?

Im interested to hear if they actually exist because ive been keeping an ear out and on pretty much everything I listen to there is a degree of fizz, most of which isnt too audible in a full mix but its clearly there when just the guitars are playing.

The End of Heartache is a pretty good one for this. The entire tone sounds low-passed at like 7k. I had to take out about 12dB from 7k up, and lowpass at around 10khz to approximate that effect on my last project. Still didn't sound close to smooth enough though...

The Behemoth tone I mentioned earlier still has some sizzle on the top end.

I still can't believe how long I've been doing this and it's only recently come to me that what truly separates the pro guitar tones from the amateur ones is the amount of content at 7kHz and above. If you listen to just about any decently produced record, the tones are very controlled up there and any 'brightness' tends to be in the high mids. I imagine the reason for this is the same as when you record your tube head's preamp send directly... there is an absolute imbalance of upper harmonics, and those sound like shit to the human ear. The cab naturally tames those, and furthermore we help it out with a low pass. It stands to reason that this is the most undesirable frequency content in a guitar tone (apart from midbass mud... which is lessened when tracking in a treated room).

I've just ordered one of them little harley benton cabs, and a 6260, which has an UNGODLY amount of disgusting 10kHz fizz, so I'll be experimenting with this a lot in the near future.

Also have to mention that the role of the Event Opals in allowing me to finally hear all this can't be understated. They are the single best audio related purchase I've ever made.
So the difference between "amateur" and "pro" is...what, how low they set the LPF? Andy and Lasse set their LPF's pretty high (around 10-11k, as I recall), and I'm sure there are tons of "decently produced records" that have perhaps more up there than you would like (TGE and Doomsday come to mind, and you even mentioned that you felt Demigod had some sizzle up there), but saying that a recording/mix sounds "amateur" just because the guitar tone has more upper frequencies than you personally would like seems a bit silly ;) And I happen to find the "End of Heartache" tone to be a bit too cloudy and undefined for my tastes, so if setting it up in such a way that it would have a bit more bite would also have resulted in a bit more fizz, then personally I think it's worth it :)
I have a question: when you guys try to find the best speaker, do you mic each speacker in the center of the cone or in the usual position you like in a speaker?
I have a question: when you guys try to find the best speaker, do you mic each speacker in the center of the cone or in the usual position you like in a speaker?

I made an effort to try to get it in my favorite spot for each one, though for some I could tell I could get away with going a bit more or less on the dustcap, but not by much!

Really? I thought it was always about 12k.

Hey, could be, I was just being conservative with my guess