TWELFTH GATE - Comparisons to Nevermore?


Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL
Ever since we released our new album, "Summoning", so many reviewers/people always keep making a comparison to Nevermore. Even though we consider that to be a huge compliment, I'm not sure how true that comment really is.

Personally, I think that some people may make this comment simply because both of us have an American metal flavor, which I believe is somewhat different from the European flavor, and which also includes heavy, crunchy-sounding, yet riffy guitars, double-bass drumming, and a vocalist that can sing melodically while also having power in his voice. But is this really enough to make that comparison?

Also, is it maybe because there are fairly few bands that include the same combination of musical elements? Maybe it's just simply because most, if not all, reviewers feel they need to always make comparisons to help readers get somewhat of a picture of what a band sounds like, and they, of course, need to pick bands that many metal fans are familiar with. If that's the case, then I guess Nevermore would probably be among the main ones.

For those of you who either got our album or at least have heard mp3s, do you agree with the comparison? If so, what's your opinion as to why that comparison is made? If not, who do <i>you</i> think we sound like?

I figured if any group of people would be more capable of making this comparison, it would be diehard Nevermore fans. ;-)

I'm really curious to hear your opinions. Thanks guys!
Well, not having heard much of your band, I checked out your very nice website.
I would say, there are some similarities in your material. They may be subtle, but they are there. I would suspect, the influences in your band cross over with the Neverdudes, making your music also cross. I would say your material is slightly more power metal. But not in a bad way.

Don't worry about it much though, just say thank you and continue to make, what I hear is some fine music.

BTW who does your singer sound like? it's driving me crazy! He sounds oddly familiar, and it's not a Warrel Dane sound. I hear the Geoff Tate sound in their along with someone else I can't put my finger on.
I heard some of your stuff. I dont see any comparison to Nevermore from what i heard. I dont know who else you would sound like though. Why dont you strive to be unique so that people cant really compare you to established bands.
I listened to some of your stuff and I wouldn't say that. But yeah, reviewers love to say a band sounds like this and that, etc. Hey, what are you guys up to. Any plans for a trip to Madison? Last time I talked to Raven, (months ago) he mentioned you guys and said he wanted to get you up there for a joint venture. But I'm not really sure where those guys are at with there material and what not. I do know they want to try to start rebuilding a metal scene in Madison.
GateXII said:
Ever since we released our new album, "Summoning", so many reviewers/people always keep making a comparison to Nevermore. Even though we consider that to be a huge compliment, I'm not sure how true that comment really is.

Personally, I think that some people may make this comment simply because both of us have an American metal flavor, which I believe is somewhat different from the European flavor, and which also includes heavy, crunchy-sounding, yet riffy guitars, double-bass drumming, and a vocalist that can sing melodically while also having power in his voice. But is this really enough to make that comparison?

Also, is it maybe because there are fairly few bands that include the same combination of musical elements? Maybe it's just simply because most, if not all, reviewers feel they need to always make comparisons to help readers get somewhat of a picture of what a band sounds like, and they, of course, need to pick bands that many metal fans are familiar with. If that's the case, then I guess Nevermore would probably be among the main ones.

For those of you who either got our album or at least have heard mp3s, do you agree with the comparison? If so, what's your opinion as to why that comparison is made? If not, who do <i>you</i> think we sound like?

I figured if any group of people would be more capable of making this comparison, it would be diehard Nevermore fans. ;-)

I'm really curious to hear your opinions. Thanks guys!

Well... I can see the comparisons, but I still think you guys are able to stay "yourself"...
When I hear Twelfth Gate I don't think "Hey... they sound like NEvermore", I just think "This is XII Gate".

C ya on the PM board...

just listened to the two newer mp3s on the website. Feels good to hear something new from you guys (before it was 4 demo tracks i had only heard)

I'd prolly buy the disc right now if i had some $$$. I'll recommend ya guys to some friends though that i'm sure will dig it.
DreamNeonBlack said:
BTW who does your singer sound like? it's driving me crazy! He sounds oddly familiar, and it's not a Warrel Dane sound. I hear the Geoff Tate sound in their along with someone else I can't put my finger on.

We've been told that there's some Dickinson, Halford & Arch in there as well. I can hear it at times, but I don't think it's consistent enough to pick just one.
FrostGiant said:
I listened to some of your stuff and I wouldn't say that. But yeah, reviewers love to say a band sounds like this and that, etc. Hey, what are you guys up to. Any plans for a trip to Madison? Last time I talked to Raven, (months ago) he mentioned you guys and said he wanted to get you up there for a joint venture. But I'm not really sure where those guys are at with there material and what not. I do know they want to try to start rebuilding a metal scene in Madison.

We're definitely planning on coming out to Wisconsin sometime fairly soon to play with Talamasca & we'd love to be able to include Raven's new band as well. Unfortunately, we haven't heard anything about their status either. I don't suppose you have a contact email for him. If you do, please email or private message it to me. Thanks bro!

I'll definitely keep you posted about any Wisconsin shows.
495 said:
hey, any chance of hitting Philly? i wanted to see you guys at March Metal Meltdown, but Amon Amarth was playing upstairs during your set... hope you understand :D

No problem bro. I was bummed myself that we played at the same time as Amon Amarth, both because it obviously left us with a very small crowd, & because I really wanted to see them play as well. :yell: Oh well, shit happens...

Also, not sure how soon it'll be before we make it back that far east, but we're already looking into hooking up with another band we know for a show in Ohio. Maybe you'll be able to make that one. When we set the date, I'll definitely keep you posted.

Take care bro!
cool :) id gladly go to the ohio show, but thats 12 hrs away. im goin to Cleveland for BWBK, and i doubt we'd be able to make another trek over there. ill keep an eye out for any appearances closer, ill definitely make it to that
Talamasca's pretty cool. And I aint got no contact info. Last time I saw him I gave him my email addy (which no longer exists) and he was going to contact my ass when they were going to start playing some shows. So I don't know what's what. I know enough people around Madison though so when they do start playing I'll know about it.