

Record Collector
Aug 1, 2006
The Great Cold Distance
Hello, my name is Thomas, and I fucking hate Twilight.

- Hellooooooooo Thomas.

I just hate it. I cannot stand it anymore. I already hated Harry Potter, now I want to dismember Stephanie Meyer.
"Edward, I love you", "Oh you know, I'm a vampire, I'm evil, I kill people and drink blood", "I don't care, my life sucks so I'm gonna follow you around the world", dammit THIS SHIT IS AS FUCKED UP AS BUFFY.

I had the seizure of my life when I read an article entitled "Twilight is now destroying couples" in a newspaper. Apparently, several girls are twisted enough to break with their boyfriends because they "want somebody more like Edward". I think I'm gonna kill myself right now. HOW could anybody read and PAY to watch such a piece of shit ? How can it be considered as a benefit for litterature ? How can teens focus on these books and not read the million better ones out there ? Why is it forbidden to stab goth teens at college who propose it for litterature classes, saying it's the "best book ever and captivating and awesome and I love Edward" ?

I don't get it.
I get you, but I must say that it's also become quite a hype to bitch on Twilight.
You do so with good arguments though. And just out of interest, what kind of books do you mostly read? :)
For me, I am quite a fan of Raymond Feist's fantasy, but I also like reading scandinavian detectives, like Mankell and Øke Edwardson. I'm not really good with the "real literature" though :p
I hate Twilight as well, though I haven't really seen the movie, but I know it's about some vampires and shit. Oh, and I hate Harry Potter, yay, cheers!
that's just jealousy because Edward is so cute and pale, and nice, he is a dream :)
I predicted this shit to happen, Twilight is for fucking wankers. How anyone able to type 2 sequential coherent words can even manage to like this atrocity is just beyond me.

It's actually better for the guys that the girls broke up with them though. It really revealed how much of a psychotic demented amoeba the girls were.
Twilight is one of the worst abominations to strike literature in recent times. Books about "OMG HE'S SOOOO FIT" should not be considered "good".
I found this funny...


It was the google ad at the top of the page that came up right after I clicked on this thread.
The problem is, I don't care if teenies read it, may they burn in their own lack of culture. What bothers me is that the litterature market is overflooded by piles of crap. Harry Potter, Gossip Girl, Twilight, the fact that those books have so much success is alarming, and when I hear 14 yo kids pretending they love reading whereas Twilight is they only thing they've read in their lives, the only thing I want is to roll over them with a monstertruck.
Twilight is only one of the many other driven-to-sell franchises that exist today. Why are you getting so upset about this one? :p It doesn't seem to me that these 14 year old girls are claiming that it's an amazingly-written book. Girls who get into this series can simply relate to Bella in their hopes and dreams of discovering an 'Edward Cullen' of their own, who unconditionally loves and protects them. You might say it fills in the insecurities that young girls have. Yes, there are tons of better fantasy novels out there, but as we all know, what is popular is hardly ever the 'best.'
Yes, Twilight is bullshit.
Sadly, the first time I heard about it was on a message board, by someone who hates Twilight.
The problem is, I don't care if teenies read it, may they burn in their own lack of culture. What bothers me is that the litterature market is overflooded by piles of crap. Harry Potter, Gossip Girl, Twilight, the fact that those books have so much success is alarming, and when I hear 14 yo kids pretending they love reading whereas Twilight is they only thing they've read in their lives, the only thing I want is to roll over them with a monstertruck.

this shit always happened, my '90s was haunted by 5-piece boybands, i had a constant dream of smashing their (and the fan-girls) heads with a sledgeHammer
Let's have a contest to see who can name the most things that suck. I'll start:

1. having to wipe your ass after dumping a load
2. the sound of your alarm clock
3. not being able to stop eating pringles once you pop
4. breaking your shoulder while on tour and having to cancel the rest of your shows
5. this thread
6. breaking strings on your guitar when pulling too hard on your tremolo bar
7. having to pay for overpriced beverages at concerts due to becoming so tired and dehydrated from the pit
8. Symphony X not having a live DVD out yet
9. worn out and dull guitar picks
10. trying to catch a drum stick at a concert and getting your hand stepped on and crushed