Twisted Metal - The Reality Show

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay

52 year old welder Marvin Heemeyer lived in Grunbee Colorado fixing vehicle mufflers. His small repair shop was located near a concrete factory called Mountain Park. To Marvin and his neigbors' horrors, the owners of Mountain Park decided to expand the factory, forcing the people living near-by to sell their land to Mountain Park.

Sooner or later the factory's neigbhors gave up, except for Marvin. Having tried every way possible, the owners of the factory failed to acquire his land. However all the surrounding land was now owned by the factory, which resulted in Marvin's shop getting cut off from the rest of the world.

Marvin tried everything in his powers to restore justice. Obsiously, the city council and other politicians of the state were on the factory owners' evil capitalist side.

It's not suprising that Marvin lost the case to the owners, in court. After that Marvin was also given a $2500 fine for not having a connected sewer line. When paying the fine, Marvin attached a note to the check and ticket that read "Cowards".

He was just one of those who would not give up.

More than 200 bullets were fired at the vehicle, causing no harm at all. The police force then decided to battle the titan with hand grenades. Once again their efforts were useless. Later a vehicle rigged with explosives was put in Marvin's path to destruction, it also had little luck in stopping him.

Despite the great damage to property (13 buildings were destroyed, most requiring hundreds of thousands of dollars to be replaced), no one besides Heemeyer was injured; observers noted that Heemeyer appeared to go out of his way to avoid injury to bystanders.

The governor said that the city looked as if a tornado had just gone through.

Later an investigation was carried out. It was discovered that Marvin's creation was so strong that even a powerful artillery blow would only cause minor damage. The bulldozer was totally covered in sheet metal, with each piece being at least half an inch thick. In places, the vehicle's armor was over one foot thick, consisting of concrete sandwiched between sheets of steel to make ad-hoc composite armor.

To fit the bulldozer with this shell, Marvin had to use a self-made crane. "Lowering the protective armor onto the vehicle, Marvin knew he wouldn't be able to get out"- said police officials.

Although Marvin packed the interior with supplies such as water, food, ammo and a gasmask. To control the killdozer, Marvin used 3 monitors and a couple of video cameras. In an event of the cameras being blinded by dust, they were fitted with air compressors.

It took Marvin 2 months to design the Killdozer, and according to sources, 1.5 years to build it.

"He was a fine lad", - said the people that were close to Marvin. "They shouldn't have made him angry". "If he was your friend, he was your best friend. And if he was your enemy, well he was your worst and most dangerous enemy." - said Marvins friends.
Fuck yes, that dude is my god damn hero.
no one besides Heemeyer was injured; observers noted that Heemeyer appeared to go out of his way to avoid injury to bystanders.
Yet I love how that video makes him out to be some fuckin' whacko. :rolleyes:


"Build an unstoppable armored bulldozer with rifles and level the town."

Funny syntax - did he use rifles to construct the bulldozer or is the bulldozer composed of a bunch of rifles? :tickled:

He would have been even more kick ass if he did build the entire bulldozer out of rifles. That would have been some MacGuyver shit.
dammit, if Heavy Metal Bulldozer was out now this would be such an awesome place to post the cover
Could we make this a sticky? Seriously, this dude is in my Top 5 People of the World right now. Is he Jewish? Might make Top 3.