Twitter Lists


Mrs. Harvester
Staff member
Feb 17, 2009
A great way to stay informed with the most recent news.. we have created a list of all of this year's bands that have Twitter accounts.

If you have a Twitter account, consider following our xii bands list. Everything PP in one place. Don't tweet? Simply bookmark the link.

All tweets appearing in the list are in chronological order.

Of course, some bands are more active than others.. Warrel and Tom Englund are complete Twitter Whores and I LOVE IT!! :notworthy

We're proud to be listed in 59 twitter users' lists. :)

I'll Have to check this out at home, my work bans me from the link site.
I'm getting a link telling me the list doesn't exist. I'm trying to see it from my iPod.

Edit: Nevermind. I found it with Tweetdeck on my phone.