Two guitar tones..


Feb 20, 2011
I'm trying to achieve sort of a big "wall" effect on the left and right ears with the guitars. Not full songs, but here are tones I've come up with so far:

I understand that the eq in the other instruments plays a role in the guitar tone too, but I'd like to see if either of these are good starting points for guitars, and how I can improve upon what I've already got. Help is appreciated. Thanks.
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Well I can say that the second one is more of the "In your face" kind. So I'd start with that. But yeah, you really don't get the full impression before the whole mix is "finished". ANyways, the second clip pleases m ears a bit more.
is there anyway to make them sound 'taller' in a sense? sort of like the Unbreakable cd by Mychildren Mybride. its hard to explain...
Yeah it might be true that the 2nd one will battle with the vocals. MAybe try to find a tone in between the two of those?
Yeah it might be true that the 2nd one will battle with the vocals. MAybe try to find a tone in between the two of those?

perhaps that is so. if thats the case maybe i could thin out the guitar in its eq to allow more room for the vocals or anything else occupying that frequency range.

I rerecorded the tracks and added some boost to the input but kept the eq of big4. it feels like a huge improvement...
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