Two new mixes for my band


Music Producing Ginger
Jan 25, 2011
Not bad! I can hear that the drums are programmed though. And theres an odd reverb to the vocals. Maybe the room where they were tracked? And the clean vocals sound really dull on those lower notes. Maybe have him sing the parts higher? I mean they sound
Good when he gets a little higher so maybe make him sing more that way.

Overall not bad. Guitars sound good and everything. Hope this helps
Editing, especially guitars and vocals (when they're layered) could have been tighter, and there's a weird gap in the guitars between the first riff and the keyboard-trancy part in The Homecoming. I really don't like the high screams, sounds like a dying woman in those old horror movies :/ But overall sounds good, just some things really turning me off, like these highs, the guitar eyes, a lot of autotune glitches... Learn to use the manual editing tools in autotune, makes miracles. The gang vocals could have been more upfront, less buried in reverb.
Editing, especially guitars and vocals (when they're layered) could have been tighter, and there's a weird gap in the guitars between the first riff and the keyboard-trancy part in The Homecoming. I really don't like the high screams, sounds like a dying woman in those old horror movies :/ But overall sounds good, just some things really turning me off, like these highs, the guitar eyes, a lot of autotune glitches... Learn to use the manual editing tools in autotune, makes miracles. The gang vocals could have been more upfront, less buried in reverb.

This is my first time using autotune, so care to tell how to use autotune manually? I love having control over things rather a program doing them. The gap was my fault, I tracked them, but from the intro to the trancy part, i didn't play the riff into the open, then retracking the open. i just stopped the riff. but again, this is only a demo. The guitars weren't quantized. what do you mean guitar eyes btw? and that was also my first time tracking group vocals. ill deff keep that in mind.
Not bad! I can hear that the drums are programmed though. And theres an odd reverb to the vocals. Maybe the room where they were tracked? And the clean vocals sound really dull on those lower notes. Maybe have him sing the parts higher? I mean they sound
Good when he gets a little higher so maybe make him sing more that way.

Overall not bad. Guitars sound good and everything. Hope this helps

Yeah, that's the room. Still trying work out the kinks in there. blankets obviously arent doing the job. its a big empty room.
the kick should sound deeper(to match the tone of the music imo) sounds too clicky not enough deep kick sound, the lows sounds muddy on vocals need to be cleaned up eq wise and compression, highs sound like he was screaming far away from the mic, need compression too. i love guitars and keys tho!
I really doubt he's talking about the guitar tuning with how many artifacts and glitches there are from you using autotune on the vocals lol.

Yeah that's what I figured. I'm new to Autotune and just learned about graph mode.
Have your vocalist sing it an octave higher :)
AT graphic mode is your friend.

Yeah, it definitely is. It works so well. I just got the hang of it. This band came in recently and I used it, my god. It sounds so good. I'll have to post that clip in a bit. One problem though. The song is like 6 minutes long and Autotune wont let me track pitch at a certain point in the song...why????