Two reviews online. Interivew coming soon.


I'm not Pyro
Aug 10, 2003
Sydney, Australia
Hey all. I just wanted to let you know I've recently uploaded reviews for the two most recent killer Novembers Doom releases on

To Welcome The Fade (2004 reissue):

The Pale Haunt Departure:

I should have an interview I recently conducted with Paul online by the end of the week. Comments welcome and be aware, I am one tough reviewer ;)

Edit: Oh man do I feel like an ass. Peter? What was I thinking?
Cool man, I'm glad that overall you liked the albums. Again, the Opeth thing haunts us (no pun intended). I can see in only the most basic ways that we're comparable to them stylistically, but can anyone out there REALLY say that they could mistake a song of ours for an Opeth song?? Their style of riffs and Mike's vocal delivery (both clean and heavy) sound so incredibly different......I dunno, to me thats like saying that Iron Maiden and Iced Earth sound alot alike...which they don't, lol. Maybe I just don't benefit (or suffer?) from being able to hear music as just a "casual listener", and I hear things a bit more intricately than alot of others do, I have no idea. But anyhow, I like Opeth alot, I just don't look to them for ideas or influence, I have plenty of my own regardless of how similar they may seem to other, more well-known artists. Thanks again for the reviews!
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Well damn, if she was still playing with us, then we could have Peter Paul AND Mary!! Then we'd really go folk rock, lol.

Isn't it Peter Paul and Mommy now? I thought they changed their name when that Mary broad got pregnant. I used to watch them on PBS when I was a kid.
BalanceofPower said:
Isn't it Peter Paul and Mommy now? I thought they changed their name when that Mary broad got pregnant. I used to watch them on PBS when I was a kid.
Kid?? Dude, you just graduated from kid-hood 2 days ago! Remember the GI Joe picture with Santa Claus? The ninja-turtle thingy's? HaHa! :loco:
Dragon_Unearthed said:
Kid?? Dude, you just graduated from kid-hood 2 days ago! Remember the GI Joe picture with Santa Claus? The ninja-turtle thingy's? HaHa! :loco:

HAHAH Dude, I'm a six foot six inch little kid. I still go to Toys R Us and play with toys. Hell I used to work there for three years lol. Nothing beats getting paid to ride around a store on an electric scooter.
BalanceofPower said:
HAHAH Dude, I'm a six foot six inch little kid. I still go to Toys R Us and play with toys. Hell I used to work there for three years lol. Nothing beats getting paid to ride around a store on an electric scooter.

It's funny: there's 80 year old people who do that too, though not by choice and they don't get paid (unless you count Medicaid), heh. Anyway, I just saw an interview with Paul in the magazine Unrestrained with Dark Tranquillity on the cover: a good read.
BalanceofPower said:
HAHAH Dude, I'm a six foot six inch little kid. I still go to Toys R Us and play with toys. Hell I used to work there for three years lol. Nothing beats getting paid to ride around a store on an electric scooter.
EEEEEEEEEEK!!! Damn Vito, I am sorry....Your 6'6" would beat my little 5'6" skinny ass, even in the most well lit of alleys...YOU FUCKING RULE! :worship:

p.s....and yes, even I go into the toy sections and play with anything I can get my hands on....and one of my favorite games is SHOE TIPPING! :rock:
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
I miss the days when Vito worked at the toy store and used to put aside all the good Lord of the Rings figures for me. That was cool.

They're still up there, I hid them so well that they will remain in the same spot until they tear that building down. I'll never forget when the Playstation 2's first came out, we got them like a week early or something, and me and my buddy had the job of escorting the PS2's to the front of them store so we could put them into a safe. We keep speaking in loud voices saying, "I hope these PLAYSTAION 2'S are safe up front." Watching people's expressions as we said shit like that was priceless.
BalanceofPower said:
They're still up there, I hid them so well that they will remain in the same spot until they tear that building down. I'll never forget when the Playstation 2's first came out, we got them like a week early or something, and me and my buddy had the job of escorting the PS2's to the front of them store so we could put them into a safe. We keep speaking in loud voices saying, "I hope these PLAYSTAION 2'S are safe up front." Watching people's expressions as we said shit like that was priceless.
Vito, you heathen! Man, you are gonna go to hell for shit like that... :Smug: