how were you introduced to November Doom!?

Thanks Jasonic!

Pinky up or down? Hmm, well if I'm on my own, it's down, but in polite company it's up.

On a slight tangent, prompted by this talk of social etiquette, I've just started reading "Pride & Prejudice & Zombies", which adds new passages about the blood-lusting walking dead to Jane Austen's original - highly recommended!
Welcome to the forum Rich, and glad you're enjoying the cds!

I've heard about that horror-take on the Austin series, not sure how I feel about that yet! I heard they're doing werewolves and Little Women next? LOL It's definitely a unique idea. Let me know how the book fares once you're finished with it.
Will do, thanks!

They've also done "Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters"!

I'm enjoying the "P& P & Zombies" as a form of revenge for having had to study "Persuasion" by Jane Austen at school - I can appreciate the fact that Ms Austen was a great writer, but the book just seemed to be a whole lot of fuss about who gets the last cake at tea time, and whether their manners at the tea party made them a suitable candidate for marriage. I know, I'm just an uncultured heathen!