My Second November's Doom CD

Oct 26, 2002
It's been awhile since I came here with a new November's Doom purchase, but I was seriously enjoying TO WELCOME THE FADE and I was waiting for the right time, I guess.

I know many here recommended THE KNOWING, since it was probably the best direction to take after TO WELCOME THE FADE, but I ended up buying AMID IT'S HALLOWED MIRTH.

This album is quite different. Not as much of a metal groove to it. Much more like doom metal...sludgy and painfully slow. But it's still great. And the female vocals on this are haunting...I love them.

Even though I think the riffs on this album are choice, the guitar sound is not as intoxicating as the new stuff. It's a little more harsh and cold. Mabye that's intentional. I don't know. But I'm still happy with the purchase.

I have more to go. And I will post when I have them!

Thanks for the help...even though I didn't listen! :D
Wow, thanks for picking that up. Being the first CD we put out, we had very different goals and ideas on how it should sound. We did go for a very cold, and "basic" sound, and budget played into that a lot as well. I think we did that entire CD for $1200!

As far as the femal vocals go, I agree with you. She also sings on 'Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers' and as far as I am concerned, she was the best fit for us, and we've never been able to match that feeling in the female voice as her. It's a shame she's still not with us, but again, a voice like hers might not fit as well with the new direction we took either. This new material is built with a bit more power, and at the moment, we're not really talking about female vocals this time, but if we do, I for one would love to get CJ to do it again with us.
Yeah, taking a jump back from "...Fade" to "Amid..." is quite a change! I can see how that would surprise some people. There were people I'd heard from, who hadn't heard a ND album since "Amid" and when they picked up TWTF they were quite shocked lol The guitar tone on that album was perfect I think, because if it had more of that modern chunky tone like we have nowadays, I think the mood of the riffs wouldn't have come through the way the band intended it.....ah, the days when bands like ours would do things like play guitar through a large bass amp to get that deep cold sound, right Paul? haha It was fun to experiment with shit like that though.

CJ's vocals were perfect for the band back then. I have often wondered how they'd fit into the scheme of things now with the way the songwriting is these days. I'd definitely love to have her sing on something again if it was right. If people out there really want to hear a gorgeous CJ vocal, they should listen to "All The Beauty Twice Again" from Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers.
And reading the booklet from the CD, it's quite evident that you guys were very fond of the original female vocalist. I think you guys could probably make her vocals work for the new stuff. But I would be more than happy with a November's Doom album with just the harsh vocals.
Just get em all. And the whole female vocal has been hashed over already. Not to speak for ND but I believe they feel that the female vocal has run it's course or something to that effect.
Beatrice, each cd that's we've released is different in many ways from each other. When you look at the amount of time we've been around and the amount of time between each cd release, the band has had time to grow musicially and of course new members also add new elements to the songwriting. If you listen to our cds in order of release you can definitely hear the progression. However if you only have "...Fade" and then jump all the way back and hear our first cd "Amid...", it's a drastic difference.
For people who have only heard "...Fade", I'd definitely suggest picking up "The Knowing" next and working your way back. It makes more sense that way.
Dont worry, as different as the cds tend to be from one another, there are certain elements that tie them all together so that it is still unmistakably ND.
I like the newer less doomy side of novembers doom. I guess Im no big doom fan, never where. To welcome the fade is one of my all time favourite albums though, the knowing is wery good also. I got amid its hallowed mirth, but have only spinned it wery few times.
smågoth said:
I like the newer less doomy side of novembers doom. I guess Im no big doom fan, never where. To welcome the fade is one of my all time favourite albums though, the knowing is wery good also. I got amid its hallowed mirth, but have only spinned it wery few times.

Sounds like you're going to love the new stuff!
I happen to love both the doomier (i'm a big doom fan.. MDB, Candlemass, Solitude Aeternus, Mourning Beloveth, etc.), and the faster stuff! so i'm pretty psyched for the new material