How did you get into November's doom

Hell, I would have been happy just to see Immortal play, lol. I would have felt bad too, being that I had my cord come out once at a noticable part and I know it'll make your face red with embarassment...although, like Immortal, I played with the corpsepaint as well, so turning red is of no real concern.
Billy Steele said:
Hell, I would have been happy just to see Immortal play, lol. I would have felt bad too, being that I had my cord come out once at a noticable part and I know it'll make your face red with embarassment...although, like Immortal, I played with the corpsepaint as well, so turning red is of no real concern.
I may just wear facepaint from now on.
Hey Paul, it wasn't a bad show! It was a good show!
Sorry about the username change, I lost my password (I had randomly generated it for security and thought the UM people would auto-send it to me in my sign-up e-mail or I cold at least reset it - but NO) so... anyway, I am still owned by just one cat...
Argh, damn internet.
The show was a good one. You guys still had Mary playing bass and I think there was a keyboardist as well (I could be getting you guys mixed up with another band from that night though, there were at least 4 bands on the bill and I & a friend of mine got dragged in really early). It was one of Mary's last shows.
This was so long ago.
The records are not on this hard drive for me to check so this is all old fart memory here.
It was good enough to get me "in to" the band though and that's the point of the thread right? :)
*Laughing at Paul* To Vito, that's the only reason why I wear corpsepaint now; to safeguard from the red face of shame after someone messes up. It's a bitch to remove, but for the benefit it does it's job; I'll leave it at that.
A friend of mine who knew I like Opeth told me about Novembers Doom and so I checked them out. I was fascinated by the song "Silent Tomorrow"´s still my all-time-fave-song. I am very excited to hear "The Pale Haunt Departure" as I´m sure it´s another ND killer-album.
Billy Steele said:
*Laughing at Paul* To Vito, that's the only reason why I wear corpsepaint now; to safeguard from the red face of shame after someone messes up. It's a bitch to remove, but for the benefit it does it's job; I'll leave it at that.
It kills two birds with one stone, you can scare old people at your local McDonalds, or any fast food restaurant, and you can save your pride by not turning beet red.
OwnedByCatsII said:
Hey Paul, it wasn't a bad show! It was a good show!
Sorry about the username change, I lost my password (I had randomly generated it for security and thought the UM people would auto-send it to me in my sign-up e-mail or I cold at least reset it - but NO) so... anyway, I am still owned by just one cat...
Argh, damn internet.
The show was a good one. You guys still had Mary playing bass and I think there was a keyboardist as well (I could be getting you guys mixed up with another band from that night though, there were at least 4 bands on the bill and I & a friend of mine got dragged in really early). It was one of Mary's last shows.
This was so long ago.
The records are not on this hard drive for me to check so this is all old fart memory here.
It was good enough to get me "in to" the band though and that's the point of the thread right? :)
Yeah that show wasn't so bad actually....maybe Paul is thinking of an older show. The show you're referring to actually happened in '99 I think, not '97. Put it this way...if I was in the band at the time, then it was '99 or later!
The only show that stands out in my mind as being an awful ND show was the infamous appearance at the Michigan Death Fest 1998. Thankfully, I wasn't in the band at the time LOL Unfortunately, that show is the one most widely bootlegged on video. I'm sure Paul wishes he coud go around and burn every copy of that show lol

As for Smiler Coogan's, I didn't like playing there most times because there was always some fiasco involved with playing there, but it did serve its purpose and give bands a place to play when no other place would, so it deserves some credit for that.
Much in typical metal fest fashion, the sound was awful, there was almost noone there, and they had a strange stage set-up that made it almost impossible for the musicians to hear themselves onstage. The soundman decided to have the amplifiers all facing backwards (yes you read that right) and he put blankets over the speakers with microphones underneath. This kind of maneuver might work to good effect in the recording studio but not live. The drums were placed behind a large plexiglass wall as well, so that the drums didn't project outwards, and basically, stage volume was almost nonexistent. So the band had to rely on just the couple of monitors on the stage to be able to hear any of the instruments. Now, anyone who has ever played one of these shows knows that usually the monitors are, to put it bluntly, a complete joke. They might at best blurt out a bit of vocal noise but that's about it. So anyhow, the band couldn't hear themselves whatsoever and the results were less than spectacular. If memory serves correct (I've only seen this show on video), Mary stops at one point and turns her whole bass amp around in the proper direction, I'm sure much to the chagrin of the soundman. And like I mentioned before, the saddest part is that there were people there taping the show, so that video has been circulating out there for a few years now, unfortunately. It's NOT a good live representation of ND, though it does make for some painfully amusing comedy at points.
Now, I know I was at the Michigan fest in 1998. I don't remember ANY of what you just said, and I had a videocamera! But only videotaped one band.
In 97 videotaped a shitload of bands.
Do VHS tapes hold data this long?! (more like, can vhs tapes stand up to that much abuse over the years?!) I should drag the tapes out and watch them for the "horrific comedy moments"... LOL.
The only wierd thing I recall about the MI fest in 98 was something about Fleshgrind, keyboards, car accidents, and lineup problems... don't remember exactly what happened except that one of the members was in some form of wreck and would not be able to make the show on time, so they ended up playing, utilizing some stand-in person (I think). Things were muted and strange. Or maybe that was another fest or year... they all meld together after critical mass of metal memory is acheived.
You might be right, the Smiler's show might have been 99. It would have been in late May. Don't make me dust off these videotapes, achoo!

Hey, you guys kick ass.
Wow! I forgot about that! It was the guys in Avernus who got into the car wreck, and Jimmy (who is also in Fleshgrind) was in Avernus at the time. They wanted to play so took our guitarist Eric out to the parking lot, and taught him the songs to fill in for the gig. If I remember correctly, Eric played the bass for them that night.

That gig was horrible. All in all, the WORST ND show so far. hahaha. In the video, after I all but give up, you see me looking around to each guitar player, trying to figure out what song we're even playing, and the guys are playing DIFFERENT songs (Blame this on Erik Kikke, not Eric Burnley) and I just start to laugh, because it was better they crying. hahaha. Just a terrible experience.