

I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Because I'm such a loser, I'm currently making a list of all my CDs, and just now instead of typing "Samson - Shock Tactics", I typed "Samson - Sock Tactics".

Well, I found it funny...
Is that what they used to do before a gig when they were wearing those spandex tights? A little bit of "sockular enhancement"?

And how come you've got all the stuff I'm looking for? First Di'anno - Nomad, now Samson. I've been looking for Bruce era Samson on CD for AGES (I've got Shock Tactics and Head Tactics on vinyl and tape respectively though) and then you just casually mention it. What gives?

Bastard :mad:
I have had both Head On and Shock Tactics on cd for years. They just had them in my local Leading Edge for some reason, along with the live album and their debut (which also featured re-recorded versions of most songs with Bruce on vocals), though I didn't buy those.
I think you have a typo in that list:

Brian Johnson - Chemical Wedding

Now it may be right, but I can't find any reference to it anywhere. (I looked because it interested me)
The best busker I have heard was a blind chick playing accordion across the road from Crown. There began my interest in the instrument and what it can do. If I had any money I would have bought the cd she was selling. I want to hear some good accordion stuff sometime.
NOthing wrong with lists Spiff. Lists are good (gorerippers got the idea)but a complete pain in the arse, I must update mine soon
I've seen that blind busker. Yeah she's good, from memory. In Indonesia the buskers come to you, which can be fucking annoying. Once I was eating chicken with my hands at a roadside place, and about five of them came over and started singing in front of me. My hands were greasy as fuck, so when they finished I just shrugged my shoulders and held my hands up, because fucked if I was going into my wallet then. They weren't happy, but it served them right.

I've got a list of all my albums too. It's the only way I can keep track of what I have and what's missing.