10 Years!


Apr 13, 2001
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I've just achieved a dream that I've had for at least a decade.

That's how long it took me to track down Samson - Shock Tactics, Head On and Live at Reading '81. Walked into JB HiFi and there they were. All three lined up waiting to be bought. $16 each, whats more. Castle re-issues, so bonus tracks and everything. I am now a happy man, and had to tell people who can't give a damn a little bit less than the rest of the community. :)

On a side note: I don't think I'm meant to buy another Iced Earth album. I went to JB to buy Dark Saga, but came back with these. The last three times I went out to buy something Iced Earthish, I've come back with something else.

Maybe it's just not meant to be.
Someone mentioned Iced Earth? Ok, thats probably not funny anymore.......

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary Phloggy

On a side note: Go back to JB and ONLY go to the "I" section. :spin:
Sounds good , I have one Samson Album "Calm before the storm " recorded after Bruce left, Its fuking awlfull. I brought it mail order from palings in sydney about 1982. The lead singer is Nicky Moore a really big dude 18 stone well he looks that big on the back cover. Shit got sucked in big time there.
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg
I don't mean to brag, but I got all those last year sometime, from my local cd store....and I got the original versions.


:p But I got bonus tracks. mmmm Bonus tracks.... Anyway the originals were released 80,81 and there wern't any CDs then. I've got Shock Tactics on vinyl, so there. double :p

Originally posted by Spawn
On a side note: Go back to JB and ONLY go to the "I" section.

And here's how that worked for me last time:
I'm in the shop, I'll go straight to Metal here we are, where's I, there it is, here's Iced Earth, I've got the CD in my hand, I'll go and buy this now, there's the Iron Maiden section, I've got all that, hang on what's that cover, oh it's "Di'anno - Live at the Rainbow" I haven't seen that before I'll get that instead.
Well done, Phloggy. I've been (somewhat half-heartedly) looking for these albums for about ten years as well. Are they worth the wait?

Castle seem to be very good when it comes to reissuing NWOBHM stuff. Anything else I should keep an eye out for?

Phloggy, dont make me use my jedi mind tricks on you to get you to buy those Iced Earth cds......Because ill do it...you know I will.
And the side effects of the mind tricks are quite disturbing, involving the victim running naked through the streets while chanting and then doing a rain dance. Even if its already raining.
Originally posted by spawn
And the side effects of the mind tricks are quite disturbing, involving the victim running naked through the streets while chanting and then doing a rain dance. Even if its already raining.

So you're to blame for that. :eek:

I've only heard 1 Samson song, Red Skies or something like that. (Bruce wasn't singing)
Pretty cool, but it wouldn't make me go and buy more.
Originally posted by Wrathchild
Are they worth the wait?

Well I like 'em. Think of them as Maiden gone rock. They still have weird time changes and the melodies and the like, they're just not as "heavy".

It's been reported that Rod Smallwood saw Samson as the only real threat to Maiden that came out of the NWOBHM. He said that he made sure that Maiden "beat Samson to the punch".

If you've still got that web space account thingy I can send you some MP3's if you like (just so you can sample them. You'll delete them immediately after listening to them of course). You may just have to send me an email or a private message to remind me where and how.

And Red Skies with Bruce singing is one of the bonus tracks I mentioned. REEED SKIEEEES BURNING BRI-I-I-I-IGHT ( I think that's how it goes. It's only new. Leave me alone.)
And Thunderstick is the first drummer I've ever listened to that I've sat up and said "fuck - he's a good drummer" on the first few listens without listening specifically to the drums.
Originally posted by Sydo

So you're to blame for that. :eek:

Haha! You should just be thankful you only got a small dose, it could have been MUCH worse. Mwahahaha*coughcoughgag*haha.....