Online Music sales in Australia.


Apr 13, 2001
Visit site
This service has just been launched. You can legally buy electronic versions of songs in Australia now :rock:

That's just the provider. The actual sellers are JB-HiFi, Sanity, Chaos, and the others that are listed on the site.

I've had a bit of a play on the JB one. There's not a whole lot there at the moment, but it's showing promise. My only problem is that most of the songs seem to be $1.99, which for mine is just a touch too high. $1.50 and I'd feel much more comfortable with it.

And you also need Windows and Media Player 9 which is a bit of a bummer, but you can't have everything. (Until you burn them to CD and then take a rip off that, of course...)
why pay for mp3s or what not when they are readily available anywhere on the internet? save your money and buy the actual cd

thats the shittest idea in the cosmos
I want know how much of the purchase price of one song, gets back to the artist.

Cos If I only want 1 song off an album, I'll just send the artist 2 bucks.
the whole stupidity of the situation is that the KORPorations seem to not notice that the only reason people are downloading the mp3's is because they can't afford cds at the moment, espicially the 15-25 bracket who are most undoubtedly students who are unable to work because they are too busy studying.
and anyway who fucking cares, if the bands good enough they can make hundreds of thousands of dollars on the road touring without being on a major label.

hell they can come around to my place and i'll donate a dollar to the bastards
"and anyway who fucking cares, if the bands good enough they can make hundreds of thousands of dollars on the road touring without being on a major label."

Tell that to Dungeon.

I'm with Blitz Burger and Winny Cooper on this one
MetalMeshuggahMan said:
and anyway who fucking cares, if the bands good enough they can make hundreds of thousands of dollars on the road touring without being on a major label.
Bands don't make money from tours as a rule, unless they're megastars like AC/DC or the Stones or Kiss or someone. Most of the bands we listen to here on this board generally don't make shit from touring, even the better known ones. Merchandise and album sales is where the money is. If you're not buying their music, you're ripping them off.
I've just noticed at the top of the page where it says: Now Playing....

Yesterday when I was here it said:

Now Playing - Pain of Salvation, Ashes

And now again it is saying:

Now Playing - Pain of Salvation, Ashes

Is that just a coincidence, or is it stuck? I'm not complaining though
Pain of Salvation :rock:
I agree and I disagree. I have alot of mp3's, but most of them are from me ripping my cd's. I download lots of full albums to, and if I like them, then I buy them, if not, they sit there til I delete.

I draw the lines at downloading Australian metal bands though, thats something I don't do, a few exceptions. I downloaded the latest Virgin Black album the other day, cos I couldn't find it here, everyone said it was awesome, it was going to take to long to order in, and I wanted to be familair with there stuff for Metal for the brain. I will buy it eventually though.

Basically, if it wasn't for mp3's I wouldn't buy half the cd's I do, I can't afford to waste money on a shit cd.