

I was looking through a mythology book and I found Tyr. So now I know where it comes from. But now, who do you pronouce it? Like "Tire" or "Tear" or "Teer" or what?
they are fucking great.

any of you have listen any Chilean band????? including you Tyr.

Crimnal, the play in Wacken the last year, Poema Arcanus, Pentagram, etc...

Tom Araya from Slayer is a Chilean fucker

sorry for my bad words...
to Tyr: do you have any particular brand preference for your bass? currently what bass are you playing? why 6 strings? hope i didn't ask too much...
Currently I have a couple of Neuser Courage basses which I like very much. Well, I haven't tested every brand that excists out there, but I do like Tobias,Neuser and Conklin.
Why 6 strings? Because of the extended range and more logical positions for the left hand.