UAD Owes Us An Apology For The Voice Of God

There are already people complaining about UAD releasing mostly old plugins for their system and having Brainworx develop the new ones. Apparently some key people at UAD left some time ago. Seems like it's going down.

Let's hope Slate releases a Virtual Track Compressors plugin and that the Eiosis EQ comes out soon. I have the feeling these two plugins would make a lot of EQ & Comp plugins obsolete, including some if not most of the UAD stuff.
well lots of "high end" digital eq's can cancel out with stock eq plugins, and this thing (even in it's hardware form) is a one band resonant eq, nothing new here, i'm not mad at uad, you just have to think before you buy.
My comment on the same article (first one) says it all. This guy is insane to be so upset about something so silly. UA never claimed it was anything more, and neither did little Labs. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE BUYING THEN IT'S YOUR OWN FAULT IF YOU OVER PAY FOR SOMETHING YOU ALREADY HAD!

Here's The Original Article as well.
The whole company always rubbed me wrong the same way as Avid/Digidesign used to when their software was hardware-integrated. When competition gets to you, hey presto, you suddenly don't need a Digidesign interface or probably a UAD card. Awesome! By then it'll be just like everybody fucking else.

It looks like just a small plugin, but I wonder who actually trusts UAD anymore after this. I know I wouldn't.
I guess, to play devils advocate, if that is all the hardware does then they did a good job of it, the real scary thing then becomes about who would dumb enough to buy the actual hardware version.

It was touted as "more than just eq" though.
Gotta love the claims that they are making on the product page -->

Adds heft and precision to low-end source material — far beyond a simple EQ" and "accurately models the sonic characteristics of this unique 500-series hardware audio processor in every detail."

@C_F_H_13 So I don't fully agree on the comment "UA never claimed it was anything more..". They did.

As my comment in the article states..they aren't claiming anything more. It does accurately model the hardware, it is more complicated then a simple EQ in that the single knob performs the function or 2-3 things on an EQ, and the heft percision thing is just hype words.

they aren't saying things like "THIS BOX MAKES LOW END HAPPEN THAT DOESNT ACTUALLY EXIST" or something like that.

Again, I don't understand why people are so pissed makes no sense. Waves has repackaged the C1 and original EQ so many times in different variations I can't believe how pissed people are getting about this.
As my comment in the article states..they aren't claiming anything more. It does accurately model the hardware, it is more complicated then a simple EQ in that the single knob performs the function or 2-3 things on an EQ, and the heft percision thing is just hype words.

they aren't saying things like "THIS BOX MAKES LOW END HAPPEN THAT DOESNT ACTUALLY EXIST" or something like that.

Again, I don't understand why people are so pissed makes no sense. Waves has repackaged the C1 and original EQ so many times in different variations I can't believe how pissed people are getting about this.

While they may be saying the truth in a way, its still very unethical and a big slap in the face to their costumers to make it out to be more than it is and then charge a very overpriced fee for what it does.
Making out that something is more than it is is pretty much the entire basis for modern production. I don't think anyone here can be surprised or insulted at all. It's marketing copy and you should bloody well know that it's bullshit.
Probably nothing else going on inside the plugin.
VOG has the highest possible instance count on a UAD card.
So yeah.. Fancy GUI though :)

A comparison with a 500 series unit would be interesting.

From the little labs site:

"This video is for the UA plug in of the VOG, but the hardware is identical, and this was well produced."