UFO over Dublin City

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
Just found this on a local newspaper site for ireland - This UFO was spotted over the River Liffey in Dublin City where i live... infact im literally a 30 second walk from the liffey! eek! :erk:

What you's think? Its speed and direction is not constant but it looks like its moving seriously fast. Should i be afraid to sleep tonight? :lol:

link: http://peoplemagazinedaily.com/?p=4437

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Distributing these very very poor quality videos could have hypnotize people until five-ten years ago. Now even the cheapest cellphone has a camera that can film in very dark light. Why someone who 'spot an UFO (intended as -alien starship- :D ) would always film it with the poorest quality device?

I don't buy it.

But still, it is fascinating if we suspend the misbelief.
Seriously why does everyone think a UFO is aliens for chrissake? It means Unidentified Flying Object , could just be a stealth bomber like the one dude said or some new shit the government is blowing tax dollars on
Well - it is a stealth bomber which cannot be detected - so they could easily slip through any countries airspace unnoticed - probably just flying through to somewhere else. Save for shitty 1967 green cameras :)
Well - it is a stealth bomber which cannot be detected - so they could easily slip through any countries airspace unnoticed - probably just flying through to somewhere else. Save for shitty 1967 green cameras :)

ok look - last time you seen a jet flying at around 80,000 feet there was no chance you seen it move as fast or turn as fast as the thing in that video. and if you look at the end of that video you can clearly see the thing flying pulls up to climb almost vertically even higher. no stealth can move like that

edit: and if were a stealth bomber wouldn't it be a little more "stealthy" to turn off the airline lights?
too high to be a RC plane and its speed is far too fast for its speed:engine:height to be a radio controlled plane!

How do you know how high it is?

And it appears that the altitude record for an electric model aircraft is something like over 11,000 ft. I doubt I could even see an RC plane that was 2 miles away.

I'm not stating that I really think that's what it is, I'm jsut throwing out a possibility. It could even be digitally created, a total fake.