

Apr 7, 2010
so great news....i think. My band got signed!! woot woot!! right? well, for the past few months I have been planning to quit the band and shoot for a more stable music-oriented career in music for visual media.(thats writing tunes for commercials, movies, etc.) and also so i can start a life with the love of my life. well, as i said, we just got offered a contract with project alpha music, and as the main songwriter and band leader, if i dont, the band doesn't. they would be pissed at me, i dont know what to do. My future fiance will support me but jesus, we can hardly spend a week away from each other, i cant imagine what a major tour would do to us.

pretty much, i am torn between going for something that only a few achieve and put a stable and happy life with the woman of my dreams on the line, or give it up and let down my band, and potentially, myself. I dont want to make the wrong choice, and yet i cant decide what the wrong choice is...? i am confused.

needed to vent, found a forum, and yea....:puke:
I'd say do what makes you happy, only way to go. If you feel some sense of obligation to your bandmates, which is understandable, I'd go along for the ride for a bit, get them started, then silently bow out. Might as well get the experience. And hell, maybe it'll become more stable than you think.
I'd say do it, not many people get that chance so to give it up is dumb. Is it a big label that will actually have you touring with big and famous bands or just a small time deal? If it's a small time deal you probably won't have to worry about that but if you have to tour all the time yeah I can see not wanting to be away from a woman you love if she really makes you happy; still you'd have to hope she'll just stay with you and is happy you're happy.
I'd say do it, not many people get that chance so to give it up is dumb. Is it a big label that will actually have you touring with big and famous bands or just a small time deal? If it's a small time deal you probably won't have to worry about that but if you have to tour all the time yeah I can see not wanting to be away from a woman you love if she really makes you happy; still you'd have to hope she'll just stay with you and is happy you're happy.

It isnt a huge label, we wont be touring with Nevermore, lulz...but we definetly will be trucked around the US for up to months. this really is one of the toughest decisions that i've ever had to make. I'm thinking that I will go for it.
I'd say do it, not many people get that chance so to give it up is dumb. Is it a big label that will actually have you touring with big and famous bands or just a small time deal? If it's a small time deal you probably won't have to worry about that but if you have to tour all the time yeah I can see not wanting to be away from a woman you love if she really makes you happy; still you'd have to hope she'll just stay with you and is happy you're happy.

It isnt a huge label, we wont be touring with Nevermore, lulz...but we definetly will be trucked around the US for up to months. this really is one of the toughest decisions that i've ever had to make. I'm thinking that I will go for it.
If your girl will stand by you, I say go for it for awhile at least. It's better to try it than to regret not doing it and wondering what it would have led to. If a year is down the line and things just aren't working out to where you're happy, you can try easing out of it however "easy" that could be. Hopefully your label is not one to really fuck with you and your band to where you have to keep doing alot of touring because you're locked in some contract (when really, you want out).
You sound like a pretty young me when I say go for it. What if you get huge and Nevermore ends up opening for you?

You know what's going to kill you? When you're sitting at home writing songs for douche commercials and you turn on the tv and your old band's new video is on, promoting their new world tour.

Hell, Dave Mustaine is already in a huge band and he's been miserable for 30 years for being kicked out of Metallica. Also, if it's meant to be, then it will work between you and your girlfriend.

if your girlfriend cares about you she will understand how important this is for you and support you.

if you care about her, you will not go dipping your penis in random girls while on tour.

that's about all that should matter in such a situation.
we have been dating for about 2 years now, and i am about to pop the question. and yea, we are young, 19 years old.
As far as we know, you only get one go-round on this planet - so make the most of it. You are young enough that you can take a leap of faith now and worry about a job later on !!! Best of luck to you no matter what you choose.