Ugliest guitar tone ever. </3


Aug 24, 2009
Hicktown New York.
I've been playing around with revalver for about a good month now, I'm not a guitarist but my friend is and I've had him record numerous times with numerous different patches and I cannot get the damn scratch/fizz/whateverthefuckitis out of the guitar. I don't know how you guys get such smooth and fluid sounding guitars.

The only way I can get rid of it is like lowpassing at like 3k and it sounds completely shit then. I've tried making small cuts but it never does anything really noticeable. I've tried multiband compression and it doesn't help either.

I have to be doing something wrong.

The only time I've ever been able to get rid of it was when we tuned down to drop a.

Is this normal for an amp sim to sound like this? Could it be his guitar (les paul studio) or a routing problem or something? Or is it me just failing at eq? guitars fuck.wav
He's saying your guitar is shit, and your taste in tone is questionable.

What's your chain? New strings? Are you using a DI box? It sounds kinda under-gained, what are your settings? It doesn't sound like you're using any boost for your bass, which might help a bit. What level are your DIs peaking at? Give LePou and TSE plugins a shot, see if they works better for you than Revalver. Don't worry too much about plugins apart from the amp sim. In all honestly, I've had decent guitar tones with TSE X30 without moving a single knob. I just happen to use a clean chain (good guitar with EMGs, new strings, tight-ish playing, DI box). The only post-processing you should have at this point is HP/LP and maybe a cut or two if you REALLY need to. Try different impulses.

I don't fucking awesome tones like a lot of people on this forum, but they're acceptable and it's somewhere to start.
He's saying your guitar is shit, and your taste in tone is questionable.

What's your chain? New strings? Are you using a DI box? It sounds kinda under-gained, what are your settings? It doesn't sound like you're using any boost for your bass, which might help a bit. What level are your DIs peaking at? Give LePou and TSE plugins a shot, see if they works better for you than Revalver. Don't worry too much about plugins apart from the amp sim. In all honestly, I've had decent guitar tones with TSE X30 without moving a single knob. I just happen to use a clean chain (good guitar with EMGs, new strings, tight-ish playing, DI box). The only post-processing you should have at this point is HP/LP and maybe a cut or two if you REALLY need to. Try different impulses.

I don't fucking awesome tones like a lot of people on this forum, but they're acceptable and it's somewhere to start.

Chain was les paul -> radial j48 -> saffire pro 40-> noise gate ->bassbox (pre gain 60 post gain 60) -> noise gate again -> 6505 (green channel gain at about 6 all knobs untouched presence at about 60) with awesometime s preshigh

everythings peaking at -12dbs. Everything should be pretty tight because most of it was punched in note by note and aligned to the grid.

Bass was boosted at about 60 hz and guitar was hp at 80. But regardless its not the low end of the guitar thats my issue its the scratchy harsh tone that I just can't seem to get rid of.

I was worried it was the guitar (I don't know anything about guitars but 800 dollars for a guitar doesn't seem like it would be that shitty?) though I guess maybe shitty for the genre I'm going for. What I find weird is that I dont get any of that scratchy noise when tuned to A. So maybe its a string issue or action issue??

I was also concerned it might be my wire because while I was recording I would get these weird random surges of like crackly noise out of nowhere. Idt any of them we're picked up in the recording but I don't know what was causing them

The tone I'm aiming for is obv a joey sturgis type sound. I thought most of the people on this forum came to a general consensus that no matter how questionable his techniques are his tone is still pretty ridiculous.
you dont have gain in that tone,maybe the problem was in the pickups or check your cables.
try with other guitar and you will see where is the problem

Is it really undergained? :0 that could be part of the issue then I suppose. And yeah I'm trying process of elimination but none of the people I know have a guitar with great pick ups. I just ordered a new wire I just wondering if that scratchy shit was normal but I guess its not :x
Is it really undergained? :0 that could be part of the issue then I suppose. And yeah I'm trying process of elimination but none of the people I know have a guitar with great pick ups. I just ordered a new wire I just wondering if that scratchy shit was normal but I guess its not :x
yes it can help whey much i had problems whit that shit..but if your pickups dont have enough gain in the output your tone will be like this everything you'll try so if u can get emg 81 and you will have THE TONE :D
I don't know what you are going for, but it lacks balls. More gain and add bass guitar if there isn't one.

haha it really does lack balls. I'm just trying to get it to sound more smooth it sounds very harsh and scartchy like someone was sliding a pick up and down the strings lol. I guess like an asking alexandria type tone ( the only reason I say them is because they play drop d and this was recorded in d) When I listen to the guitars they have a lot of low end and the mids are very defined but not as harsh as what I'm getting. I know theres a lot of processing done but I was just hoping to figure out if this ugly sound was a normal starting point and obviously its not... </3

And there is a bass but I suppose it could use some more processing as well. I boosted at 60 hz and cut the guitars at 80 but thats about it.

And I think one of my friends has active emgs idk what they are specifically but he has a really nice prs I might try and get him to record something and see if its really just the guitar.
I really don't even know if they're active pickups I know it has a slot for batteries in the back but I have no idea if he actually uses them! Thanks for pointing that out!! I should ask!
Amp sims need to have the input level up pretty high (-3 to -2db peaks get them into the zone). Check your DI tracks and make sure the level is up there.
Amp sims need to have the input level up pretty high (-3 to -2db peaks get them into the zone). Check your DI tracks and make sure the level is up there.

By this do you mean the DI itself should be peaking at -2db? Or that I should raise the input on the actual sim itself?

And nevermind I'm pretty sure they're passive pickups
Thanks for all the tips guys, I think I fixed it. I mean its not 100 percent done and there's still some weirdness going on with some of the notes (weird ringy noise on the fast triplets I can't figure out where its coming from) But I think its better any thoughts??

I used lepous sim for this, got fed up with revalver bumped the gain up to about 7 and had the revalver greener infront of it. Does it still need more gain? :0 guitars fuck fixed kinda.wav