Ugly Bass Guitar Transients


New Metal Member
Jul 19, 2010
So, when I record my bass direct, I get this ultra clicky transient from the attack of my pick. It sounds like I'm flicking a piece of plastic. Tried a transient designer, tried a couple different compressors, tried a limiter... nothing is taming this thing. Anybody experience this before? Any suggestions?
That "flicking a piece of plastic" sound is coming from flicking a piece of plastic called a guitar pick haha. I have the exact same problem and all ive been able to successfully do to get Rid of it is rerecording the track either with a hard pick or just until you record with the least amount of "flicks" possible. It sucks
Try different plectrums; thinner, thicker, more rounded, sharper etc..
Also try different materials..
I have aluminum and also some stainless steel ones..
Haven't tried a pressed wool plectrum, but that ought to kill transients.. :D
Try different plectrums; thinner, thicker, more rounded, sharper etc..
Also try different materials..
I have aluminum and also some stainless steel ones..
Haven't tried a pressed wool plectrum, but that ought to kill transients.. :D

This. Dunno about anyone else but I'd always used Dunlop Tortex picks - mostly out of habit than any real reason.
A few months ago I started to notice that I got an ugly scratching sort of noise when picking with them, more noticeable the thicker the strings. Stopped using them on bass immediately and have phased them out of my guitar playing as well. After a little bit of experimenting I now use Dunlop Ultex picks instead - harder less resiny plastic, rolled edge, more rigid and with a nice satin finish. 1.0 weight for guitar, jazz III for bass.
Go buy a bunch of different picks and see which you like best.
Disclaimer: I can't be 100% sure that the sound you're describing is what I'm thinking of without hearing the DI.

It's the way you're striking the bass with the pick. No one take this the wrong way, but lots of guitarists playing bass don't pick "through" the string enough if that makes any sense, that picky, plastic sound is the sound of glancing the strings rather than going through them.
Yeah the only way you're going to fix this problem is by correcting it at the source (where the pick meets the string). Check your technique and the pick you're using.
Maybe also try bigger strings. I kind of like a clanky bass sound, though. Put some distortion on the high end of the bass and the clicky stuff usually turns into win.