Uh... Help?

OK, well first of all, make a note: The smoke detector does not double as a cooking timer. OK, now, how's that fan doing? Truly, your best bet is really moving and exchanging air, and the more quickly the better -- less chance for it to settle and permeate anything. Once you've done all you can there, then resort to things like wiping down surfaces, burning sage and airing out again, or sprinkling baking soda and vacuuming. From there move on to cover-up stuff like candles and incense. I'd agree that citronella and/or vanilla are good choices. Eventually, the smell will just "wear" off.

Your other choice? Cook some bacon. I've no clue what it'll do for the smell, mind you, but I'm pretty sure bacon can solve any problem.
Or next time, suck it up, be a man and cook the sausage on a grill, where it was meant to be cooked. You wouldn't have had to worry about the smoke detectors going off, or the smell, or any of that crazy crap.