uh...yeah..where'd it go?


Tai Mai Shu
Mar 29, 2002
Stull, KS
I was just about to look for the James Murphy and John Petrucci thing that JM mentioned in the "old rumors" post and just it's completely removed? whats up with that? oh well .. I'll find some Petrucci fan site and hopefully find a Discography that has the name of it...

Ok. I got the tracks for this cd. Pretty long songs. Decent stuff and then comes James Murphy... You can definitely tell his playing from the others. Lets see here...

I'm trying out this track called Time Enough and right at 2:09 ....

oh lord.... gasp... It's JM... ahhhhhh hell!!! here we go again! weeeooooooooiiiiiiii!!! Why man why?! why must you do this! Youre to damn fricken goooodd!! This is just to damn ridiculous really... I mean you leave no room for any other guitar players... It just isn't right! *listening still* ahhhhhh! for crying out loud,
I don't know wether to shit or go blind! ugh!

ok ok! It's over! catching breathe now....sheesh. I feel like kicking a wall now or something...

That's pretty much how I listen to any of your stuff and this explorers club music is all new to me.... whew.. I needed that feeling again. it's been awhile.. I mean is it wrong to like: think you're the fuckin tops and then cuss at you at the same time? You just have that effect on people.... it's sick I tell ya! It's sick!

Wow, thanks JAH....

Your post prompted me to get out a copy of the Explorer's Club CD and give it a listen again. It's been a while since I checked it out. The solo you were listening to at 2:09 in "Time Enough" is one of my favorites that I have ever recorded. My only disappointment is in the way it was mixed. The album sounds great overall though and I got to do some cool solos and work with some great musicians, not the least of which is Trent Gardner, the mastermind behind the Explorer's Club project as well as the prog band Magellan. Great guy and an awesome musician and singer.

Anyone who is interested can order the Explorer's Club "Age of Impact" CD (There are two E.C. titles out - Marty Friedman plays some guitar on the other one) from the label that put it out at www.magnacarta.net . Just hit the "Catalog" button, then choose "Explorer's Club" from the "Search by artist" drop-down menu. Once the E.C. page loads, click on the "Age of Impact" thumbnail to the right. This will put you on the ordering page for the CD.

Hope that helps anyone who is looking for it!

"From the persistence of noise comes the insistence of rage. From the emergence of tone comes the divergence of thought. From the enlightenment of music comes the wisdom of... silence." ~Unknown~
Yes!!! I thought that might be one solo you liked alot. It's just crazy, man. I don't understand you at all when it comes to this. It's like the guy who invented peanut butter and everyone going "wow! and to think it was once just this round little nut that couldnt be used for much and now look!" Thats a stupid metaphore I know but you're an extremely innovative player and I don't see how it couldn't impress anyone. I'm looking around for this CD to buy. I might be able to get it offline through someone with a CC. the mp3s I got had all sorts of flaws to them so its killing me not hearing it in its pure form. I'd love to play it on a real stereo. thanks for the links and info on this. It would be cool if a "part 2" of this was done and to really dream have Greg Howe or Brett Garsed on it. :}