Uhhh . . . has anybody else heard the new Void of Silence?

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
It's VERY much atmospheric. There's a strong possibility people like JayKeeley, J., Erik, and so on could REALLY get a boner from this. It's all surreal and atmospheric and doomy and stuff. Got it?:loco:

I've only just heard it, so I can't really give an opinion at this point. It's pretty OUT THERE.:err:

Remember that I told you about Negura Bunget and Manes . . . Void of Silence is also Code666. I could be way off, but I have a feeling this might have RC roundtable written all over it. If it doesn't . . . 2 out of 3 isn't bad.
I heard it ... never heard them before. Was working when I put it on and got lost in the atmospehrics of it. Like I mentioned on the code666 forum, these guys should be writing stuff for movie soundtracks.
Well, I'm very familiar with them. I own their first two albums. I'm very anxious to hear the new one since Alan from Primordial took over vocals duties after Fabban (Aborym) left.
Yeah we got the promo in - I think BWD is taking that one. "Apocalyptic Doom" or something like that, with a touch of industrial. Or at least it had somewhat of a mechanical feel to it.
Damn, I have this CD and after all this praise, I'm going to check it out!! I did hear a couple of seconds of it before sending it off to the Winter Day that is Black and it sounded a bit industrialishblackish, but nevertheless, I shall give it some undivided attention this weekend. Or perhaps next week.
JayK, try to imagine Aborym gone doom, and you'll have a slight understanding.

The song "Human Antithesis" is now my Top Song of 2004. That song s simply beautiful when it slows down and Alan begins whispering:

"They say there is nothng left in this world worth fighting for,
nothing left in this world worth dying for.
This is a lie.
There is so much to fight for, so much to die for."

Russell, I'd like to know what made VoS choose Alan Nemtheanga once Fabban left the band.
The title track is really an awesome epic clocking in at over 20 minutes ... a combination of Fellini / church sermon / industrial / black metal
Heard this album last night. Very cool - I like the Gregorian Monk choirs. Did they record them for real?

Not the best album to drive to by the way...
Lest anyone forget how awesome this album is...
Total "Souls"-era Neurosis going on, not to mention tons of other things.
The first track still gives me goosebumps and makes me want to kill people or something. Sucks the band called it quits. This is my favorite Nemtheanga-related album (incl all Primordial).
thats what I was going to ask... I thought Nemtheanga even mentioned new stuff

hell, it took me until the part about negura bunget to realize that the thread was a couple of years old