UK Riots

Everything around my area is closing early. Don't know if anything will happen though.
I'm worried about my Mum because she is a paramedic and is working tonight so will be around the riots
I was in Sheffield this evening for an hour or two and there's been a lot of precautionary measures taken - police all over the place, a lot of police vans and a metric fuckton of police helicopters circling overhead. They reported this afternoon that all rumours of action in Sheffield have been confirmed false... but they said that about Bristol yesterday, and then Bristol went to shit last night.

And a Nottingham police station just got fucking firebombed too. That makes thirteen cities/towns that've gone apeshit so far.
Manchester went to shit tonight. Like REALLY bad. But people are taking to the streets as a sign of peace and love tomorrow and cleaning up all day. It seems to be dying off. The public are fighting back, physically too!

I think it's gonna end real soon :)
Well it'll all tail off. They're a bunch of kids essentially and all the court cases are being moved fro magistrates court to crown court cases. SERIOUS BUSINESS. They're not getting the usual 6 months in prison at max, but instead up to ten years because crown court has bigger prosecution charges. Even when people plead guilty too! So they're showing they mean business and mean to make these criminals suffer.

Something tells me these kids won't want to go to prison for that long. So we're setting a good example to the rest of em. The quicker they get sentenced, the quicker they'll see it's a bad idea.

They've the fucking scumbags of this earth and it's always been hard to portray to adults how fucking bad they are or any body outside of this cpuntry. But we had to put up with people like this day in and day out. And when somebody turns to me and says "why wasn't school the best days of your life, like mine?" Because we had these scumbags. They're horrible people who are beyond a joke now. There has been the comedy sketches and whatever they've been portrayed in. They're actually ruining our country in front of our eyes.
Manchester just went insane last night. :(

I was clinging on and really hoping our country would sort itself out. Liverpool kicked off again. I'm just rewally upset now. I can't leave my town and I've got no motivation to do anything. Next week I'm meant to be going to Stafford and playing V Festival... playing to about 10,000 people. I hope I can still go. And Groan are meant to be rehearsing in London. Fucckkss sake. :(
Don't let it get you down to much Dan, I can't empathise completely because the riots seem to have left London and I haven't witnessed any of the violence first hand.
Just chill and see what happens.
Your country needs to put the smack down. Bust out the water cannons, rubber bullets, water cannons, tear gas, and baton violence! Quit letting these monkeys burn the whole country down. Record labels have been affected, ancient stores have been burned down by these clowns. Where is Batman when you need him.
What are water cannons going to do? They are slow moving like tanks and need to be refilled fast. The crowds are fast moving crowds. Water cannons work for static crowds and this isn't the right situation for them.

There has been no rioting tonight... because it rained. Haha! Alls we needed was a natural water cannon ;)