To be fair, i had a really bad throat infection, it was the worst thing ever, i could eat or drink or even swallow my own spit.

Get well soon mate and see you in fucking may
Very sorry to hear you're not well, Biff. You must be gutted after all the hard work and planning that has gone into the Tour. Hope you get better soon, Mate. At least it was not Nigel's shoulder troubles again which would be a more long term problem.

Look forward to hearing about the rescheduled UK dates asap - hope I can beg, steal or borrow (or "sicky" :puke: ) the time off work !!!. Hotels can always be cancelled and, although we have forked out for train tickets etc., travel costs in the UK are not that bad (although Paxo / Sammi / SaxonMcKenzie were flying to Ireland).

All the best for a speedy recovery,


Well, looks like I will get time to see the sights in Belfast after all! Just as well Georgie Best was one of my heroes, so I will at least get to see his home town. Would have been nice to see Saxon there as well, but what the hell.
Hope you're feeling better soon Biff!!

And remember if Masterplan can't make the rescheduled dates - YOU COULD ALWAYS ASK DIAMOND HEAD OR BLITZKRIEG. *The princess keeps her fingers crossed that Masterplan have made other plans* lol Am I Evil Yes I Am!!!!
When Molly Hatchet cancelled the Spanish leg of their tour years ago, we still went to Jerez (as flights and hotels were non-cancellable) and had a fantastic time. Same happened at numerous other gigs in the past which were cancelled.

Just hope all Members of this Forum can get the time off work to meet up on the resheduled Tour. Anyone got SaxonMcKenzie's e-mail address / moby to let him know (in case he doesn't receive the message before going to Dublin ?).

Hope the Tour resumes in time for the German leg, as Saxonfan must have shelled out a fortune to come over from Chicago.


until now no delay for the german tourdates *puh*

i am very sorry to my saxonbrothers and sisters on the other side of the channel ! wish the best for you to make the new dates !

i wish biff that he gets rid of the facking little ill-makers soon :kickass:

according to saxonfan - i couldn´t forgive myself if the tour would be complete rescheduled

it keeps to be thrilling so i will learn to pray again

on sunday i will be in a nearby church - taking spiritual contact to the lords of health :worship:

hey biff, there´s something i wanna say to you:


What a nightmare, just shelled out over £300 on non refundable flights to Manchester from Aberdeen to take me and the missus down!
As they ain't coming near Aberdeen then no chance I can afford to shell out again for a new date.
Still, from what I have heard of the new album it is tremendous and looking forward to getting my Amazon pre-order delivered. What to do now, use the flights and shell out another £100 in hotel costs and wander around Manc or right the whole thing off to experience?
I must be cursed just now as I had already booked flights down for Monsters Of Rock as well and that is looking like it has gone down the pokey. £500 in flight tickets to see no bands!!!!!!!! :lol:
It seems a lot of people are gonna lose out big time with booked trains/flights/hotels etc. As Sammi said, we'll still go to Belfast next weekend but won't be going to the rescheduled date. Plus I have four lots of train tickets that I'm gonna pretty much lose all my money on. Great.

Obviously something like this can't be helped, but it happens to Saxon a bit too often. A bit strange that.
sorry guys but its the same old story really
really pissed off
flu and throat infections can be cured with the right medication in 5 days
why is it that saxon uk dates are always the ones affected no disrespect to our comrades in europe and defo not to our friends over the pond in usa and south america ( christ you lot are used to it) the last 2 tours now have had to be rearranged ,how the hell can you make plans when it really is a case of turn up on the night and hope for the best
ill sign off now before i blow a fuse
really really really pissed off
oh before i go
i feel for everyone who has made plans ,spent hard earned cash and are disapointed....... this just fucking sucks
see you all on tour in april may june july august september october november december ( delete as applicable)
I think that sucks for you peeps wanting to go but I'm glad it's just Biff being sick as opposed to the tour cancelled for other reasons like poor ticket sales or visa problems.

Get well soon Biff! :kickass: and get your ass to the US! :heh: