I remember trying this years ago, but not where I found it (hopefully it's about right):
1 part vodka
1 part coconutmilk
1 part multivitamin juice (at least here, they're all tropical-flavoured)

Stir that shit up in a sealable container, put a lid on and throw it in the freezer over night..
The next day you have a ice-slushy-thingy (Since the alcohol keep it from freezing solid)
Put a scoop or two, of the slushy, in a glass and pour in some sprite/7up/fruity soda..
My latest ventures have been sitting at some festivals that have ran out of coca cola(not even sure how this happens) and being left to try Jack Daniels(Sometimes random bourbons) with whatever is available. It's free so who cares right?

Jack Daniels and Solo(lemon flavoured soda)= Amazing. Somewhat like Ginger Ale but a bit more "wet" and have since had people who don't enjoy Jack drinking it this way.

Jack Daniels and Mother(energy drink)=Pretty average, becomes very watered down. Not something I support but worth a go.
bourbon and really cheap cola with a little bit of soda water. Coke is too thick and sweet and you can't taste the bourbon. I might try out doctor pepper this weekend though, that could be nice
Not sure if this counts as its pre-mixed... but Buddy's beer... 5.1% made from Honey with a hint of bourbon...

For a real mix... Southern Comfort and Irn Bru...
"flying hirsch"
jäger + redbull:
That's really good stuff, but the last time i was drinking jager + redbull i got really wasted and puked in my friends garden and had a hangover for 2 days.

But that was a 4 years ago, i should (carefully) try that drink again.
Aside from good craft beers I drink two drinks, xcellent single malt whiskey with a glass to drink it from, and a negroni - vermouth, campari and gin.