Ultimate EQ Guide Video Collection


Ascend Recordings
Dec 16, 2010
Hello everyone,
My name is Jeff, been on this forum for a while now and wanted to introduce you to an awesome EQ Guide.

"Ultimate EQ Guide". It's made up of the following 6 videos:
Video 1: Basics
Video 2: Advanced EQ tips
Video 3: Train your ears
Video 4: How to EQ everything
Video 5: Volume Faders & EQ
Video 6: Important EQ tweaks for each instrument

Some of the basic questions these tutorials cover are:
-What an EQ does
-When and why we use an EQ
-How to use EQ correctly
-Train your ears
-How to identify each frequency just by listening to it.
-The Number 1 technique used by all the professionals.
-and a TON of other questions.

It covers a lot of great info. It's a great video collection to have and for a pretty low price. Check the videos out HERE

You can now get a demo of the first two video free.
What plug is that being used where you can analyze the wave inside the EQ? It looks like ReaEQ but I cant seem to figure out how to bring up the analyze feature.
That would be ReaEQ. The analyzer should be an automatic feature as far as I know. If your still having trouble, try asking in Reaper's forum. Great people over there im sure you'll have an answer in a few minutes.
Hmm is it maybe only on Reaper 4? I have an older version still and the analyzer doesnt show up and I cant seem to find an ON/OFF for it. Sorry, I don't mean to derail the thread....