Ultimate guitar sound!

Yeah, i like it but its far away from being the ultimate guitar sound:loco: (Where are teh ballz? :heh:)
Hope you like it too.

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I wouldn't say it's the Ultimate guitar sound but it is very, very good. Very tight, nice growl. Love it.

And in regards to the lack of balls, that's what kicks and bass players are for. It's called a mix, not a guitar with some other shit on top...
I wouldn't say it's the Ultimate guitar sound but it is very, very good. Very tight, nice growl. Love it.

And in regards to the lack of balls, that's what kicks and bass players are for. It's called a mix, not a guitar with some other shit on top...

Yes, but it sounds like there isn't much even in the Low Mid Range, it has very little chunk to it. It also sounds a little undergained to me as well.

It sounds good, but it's by no means amazing. It's not crushing.
yea, i also wouldn't call it the "ultimate", but it sounds pretty good...works well for that meshuggah-ripoff kind of style