Ultimate Metal welcome Mutiny Within!


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
UltimateMetal.com is stoked to announce the addition to Roadrunner recording artists Mutiny Within! These guys have some pretty killer material so it's easy to see why RR scooped them up.

They list their influences as: "...prog-metallers like Symphony X and Dream Theater as well as Euro-shredders including Soilwork and Children of Bodom." After listening to their music, I can agree that they will appeal to fans of those bands listed (I like them all).

Welcome guys!

You can check out their music here: http://www.myspace.com/mutinywithin
This band is sick (their local to me), I always knew they could be a big band...hopefully they will be in a couple years...this is the ultimate redemption we need in Jersey now that the Jonas Brothers are disgracing our state.
I Love this band; got all my buddies to check them out!
I wish that they didn't have complications last year with finding a new drummer, since I really wanted to see them open for the Epica tour.
I was talking there vocalist Chris recently; such a humble, down to earth guy :), and he said that they are in the making to release some new material. Can't wait!