Ultra tight guitar tone... Fear Factory etc

jamesboyd said:
yeah it's definately versatile but there's something about line 6 heads that just sounds totally wrong to me :erk:

sure you can get some great tones *but* i still don't think it holds a candle to just a normal solid-state amp let alone a tube head.

gotta get me a jmp-1 I think :cool:
That thing only has one actual valve in it.
JMP-1's have two ecc83 (12ax7) valves in (the circuit diagram is easily available to confirm this).

My only gripe with the JMP-1 is that it's tone controls are active (-10 to +10) and they are not that great.

A 31 band EQ solves this though (with all tone controls on the JMP-1 set to 0).
yeah well I wouldn't say how many tubes something has really matters, but to my ears I prefer the sound of something solid state(with no tubes) to something digital like line6 (with no tubes)

I've been dialing in some pretty cool and tight tones today with my 5150mk1 head, esp with emg81's, and ts9 on the rhythm channel- still very much a upper-midrangey more old school kinda sound though rather than a mid-scooped brutal fear factory/meshuggah type of tone.

here's my most recent recording with my setup minus the esp (it was broke so I had to use a piece of shit jackson with duncan designs in it :yuk: )


*right click and save target as*
Wowsers, that sounds really good!

So, you prefer solid state? I think your 5150 sounds very nice, but that one is all tubes, right?

What kinda solid state amps do you refer to?

Anyways, how did you do the snare on this one?
hahaha thanks man :blush: especially coming from you :rock:

yeah the 5150 is all tube, I prefer tubes to solid-state or digital stuff, the only thing I don't like is that tube gear is usually not quite as tight as solid-state stuff, the 5150 is pretty good in the bass department though(especially with a tube screamer)

the snare sound you're hearing is mainly a real snare that was recorded in an amazing(and very large) studio here in new zealand, the close miked sound of that sample is then mixed with it's corresponding room sound sample. Then I added the 'heartland' sample from a dm5 and a warmer sample- so 3 snare sounds altogeather.

I then send them all to an aux track and used a bomb factory compressor(just a bit) and then a focusrite compressor/limiter(quite heavy compression with this one)

then I added a bit of verb to mix in with the room sound (I used d-verb on a medium sized room with the lpf at about 12k, diffusion at 50% and size at 1.4)

just pm and I can send you the snare samples that I used.


That was really nice indeed. Did you use a Tubescreamer with that, or was it just the 5150 going on-board? I now think I understand how the Kreator sound on the new album came out sounding so thick. It seems to be in the amp.
Yeah, my experience is that 6L6 tubes provide a fatter bottom wich is probably why they sound less tight... so you'll need to know how to play your guitars properly...

A boost device like the TS tights it up, though...

I know Meshuggah used Dual Rectos on DEI and Chaos and they must have the tightest sound I've ever heard....
the guitar set-up was,

5150mk1, mesa traditional slant 4x12(with v30's) ts9 tube screamer, cheap jackson.

It was miked with one 57 on axis.

I usually use my guitar loaded with 81's with this setup and it's sounds great(I think emg's really lend themselves to 5150's)

and I usually track the rhythms 4 times instead of only 2 like on this clip.

cheers for the compliments.

yeah honestly I can get guitars better than that, but that's the best I could be bothered getting with the guitar I was using.

the rest needs heaps of work, but it wasn't something I could be bothered messing with forever.

the funny thing is the reason why I started really getting into andy's production style was because of his guitar sound, it just seems that the way I naturally dial in an amp has a resemblance to the tones he gets(and also that the tones he gets are like my ideal sound I 'hear in my head :Spin: )

chur for the props, I'll be sure to try and do something better soon.
Ohhh HELL YEAH! That sounds bad ass!!
I wish I had the room to just crank a half stack out, but I don't :err:
So I use DFHS and Pod XT Pro.
Hey James what do you think of these

This one is DFHS & Pod sample thru my 002

And here's my Pod on right side and a KRANK amp on the left.
Go easy on me. he...he..he...
hey kenny, nice tribute to dime there with the whammy bar antics and whatnot :grin:

If you want pointers, I would say (in relation to the pod only track)
watch the clarity in the kick and the snare, they seem to be getting a bit lost- mayber try compressing the snare a bit more, filtering everything out below 200hz on the snare, and using a compressor to get a bit more 'click' in the kick- try bossting around 12-16k on the kick as well.

the guitars are cool, I like the midrange. Maybe just try layering it a bit more with different amp models and getting a 'dirtier' bass sound in there to 'thicken' the overall gat/bass sound a bit more.

the playing is nice and clean though overall and that's the main thing :rock:

