Guitar Tone/Mastering/Recording


New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2011
Hey guys, I've been on this site for awhile but just joined today so don't hate on me too much for being a newfag :)

My problem is that I CANNOT get a decent guitar tone to save my life. I use Amplitube Metal in Logic Pro 9 with a Line 6 GX (I know, it's EXTREMELY shitty). I've looked around for ages for tips on preset settings and EQ settings and compression settings, but I can just never get a full sound. It's very fuzzy and weak and muddy. I know the GX is a terribad audio interface, and it could be the reason why my guitars sound so shitty, but if not, I'm stuck as to how to beef up my tone. I'm looking for a sound SIMILAR TO (not asking for the indentical tone) the self-titled Attack Attack! album, FTFD Relentless album, etc. Just a tone that really booms on the open hits and has clear chugs. This guy has essentially what I'm looking for

Thanks and I know this stuff has been asked before and I'm sorry, but I just can't seem to get anything to work for me.
hello dude:) i could say that i was thinking like you for my line 6 interface but its not that bad if u really know what you are the first times we all use presets but they wont work for you...make your own and you will get the tone...and now you are procesing all your tones to hell and back and your tones are not good?well and they will not be couse the best tones are raw when you are going to hear them solo but with other instrument they work great..and if this is ok then check your guitar cables even your playing :)
Thanks for the suggestions man :)
But I've tried many tones and presets and they all still sound fuzzy in the mix and don't sound very strong.
This might be how all good guitar tones sound raw but I'm clueless as to how to process guitars to brighten and strengthen them
To rule out your guitar and interface i'd download some DI's off the forum and mix them, use Lepou's Lecto VST to emulate the amplifier and then add a cabinet Impulse afterwards to make it sound like its running through a cabinet.

Set it on a loop and just keep tweaking until it starts sounding awesome :)
i was looking into the Lepou's lecto but i'm on a mac running logic and i only tried wrapping vsts a few times with no success :/
I will post a clip in a little bit, I'm a tad busy right now, but yes there is bass in the mix
If u want attack attack buy pod as that's what it was recorded using!
I happen to be selling one in the gear for sale with a podfarm license with every expansion
So here is what I've got so far, now I just switched to Cubase about 2 hours ago, since I normally use logic so I really had no idea how to work it, but I was able to get a better guitar tone in Cubase than in Logic juice.wav
this is a short clip of what I have
(drums are ezdrummer dkfh using drum triggers and an alesis IO)
I copied these settings exactly but I still don't have close to the sound this guy has
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Sounds good man! Your guitar sound won't change by switching to Cubase though, I bet that's your imagination :D If anything, the effects coming with Logic are superior and sound better than the Cubase ones. Still, the same plugin in both DAWs won't sound different (at least not noticable).
Well the only reason I say it sounds better in Cubase is because I'm using entirely different plugins. There are tons of awesome VST plugins that work in Cubase but not in Logic. And the youtube link is not my sound, those are the settings I mimmiced.
hey jp.litchtenberg. who is that clip that you posted? I did a cover of the same clip a few hours ago because I love the glitchy effect. Guitars ARE being ran through POD but their are a LOT of good vst's out their [some easier to use then others] but they all have their own sound. Let me know if this helped at all.
hey dude im a noob in please bear with me..can i ask?which do you prefer recording a distorted guitar? from a stompbox or a software plugins?
I totally forgot that I covered the breakdown from the first post on this thread in April. I don't know why I didn't post it on here. But I really liked the glitchy effect and a LOT of bands now are asking for that stuff to be added into their music. So I decided to learn it and cover it: