Guitar tone question


Mar 25, 2005
Paris, France
Hello Andy & everyone, I have a question for you!
I love the tone the guitar player gets at the end of this vid (at 2:08, when he uses the neck pickup):

this is exactly the tone I'm looking for in the lead guitar realm! this reminds me a lot the lead tone that James Murphy and Eric Peterson got on the "Low" album, like on this song:

don't you think there is a common thing between the two? could you please give me any advice to get a similar tone?
to my ears it seems there is some chorus + delay (+ reverb?) added. I think the chorus is the most important... but I can't tell what chorus type it is and what are the settings!
please tell me if you know!! thank you very much.
Last edited by a moderator: don't hear people bring up "Low" very often. That album is amazing.

Anyways -- listening to it now, i don't think it's chorus as much as maybe a slight phase-type effect on it? There's probably a little chorus in there too, as well as an obvious shitload of delay. And maybe try backing off the volume on the guitar a little, it'll help with that clearer bluesy sound they got. Good luck!
thank you for your advice! yes the phaser finally seems to be the right way to go... I thought it was some chorus but apparently I was wrong.