Honestly I think your humoUr is beyond comprehension sometimes.MajestikMøøse said:It's amazing that some people actually took this thread seriously.
JayKeeley said:Still, unless this thread is a joke, I'm not sure why this is a big surprise.
A lot.JayKeeley said:If that's the case, just how many other ambient/electronic/synthesized/trance albums do Ulver fans own and listen to?
One Inch Man said:A lot.![]()
Allowing yourself to listen to a non-metal band because they used to be metal is absolute bullshit though, I agree. Actually it's well beyond bullshit, it's one of the dumbest concepts in the history of stupid moves that people make.
But people on this very forum have the need to convince themselves that something they enjoy is "metal-related." Whatever happened to liking something BECAUSE YOU LIKED IT?
JayKeeley said:If that's the case, just how many other ambient/electronic/synthesized/trance albums do Ulver fans own and listen to?
Of course! There is a good chance that several such people are reading this very thread RIGHT NOW!JayKeeley said:OK, but I BET YOU $5000000 that there are a ton of metal fans that only listen to Ulver and nothing else that comes even remotely close to the modern Ulver sound.
I know that's not true for you, you mong!JayKeeley said:That's not true for me. About a third of my collection is 'non-metal', but I don't try to palm it off as metal.
The only possible response is: YES perhaps followed by aRussell said:There's some really good stuff out there in all genres. I'm pretty sure the majority of metal fans who dismiss non-metal unless it is released by an ex-metal band (to justify their listening) is purely a result of their own insecurity. Metal seems to attract some listeners who rely on the music to give them an "identity" or individuality, and as a result feel this is threatened if they listen to anything else. As a result they usually dismiss anything other style as crap without even listening, as they just feel this strengthens that "individuality". Hence it is these same people who often lable bands as "sell-outs" when they become popular without changing their style - the individual feels they have lost part of what makes them different, or unusual, and as a result bucks the trend to reassert their uniqueness.
One Inch Man said:I totally grabbed a Fatboy Slim CD on my way out the door thanks to JayKeeley's rant, haven't listened to this in years.