The End Records - 2003
By Rodrigo Escandon
The newest album by Ulver is actually the soundtrack to a short Swedish film titled "Lyckantropen" from director Steve Ericsson. How the music stacks up and is used in the film is something that at this moment can't be answered without seeing the actual film. But in comparison to the band's last studio effort Perdition City and the subsequent EP's that were released, Lyckantropen Themes continues the exploration of minimalist ambience that was more evident on the EP's than in Perdition City.
If Perdition City was an urban soundtrack journey, then Lyckantropen Themes now takes you to a journey through the countryside, at night with no one else around. Lyckantropen Themes improvises three chords to tell its story and only by shutting yourself from the outside world will you be able to truly submerge yourself into the hypnotic, dark and haunting effect of this album. This is music to play while lying down in bed, with no lights on or while being outside somewhere quiet at night staring at the starlit sky. These are only just a couple of suggestions knowing that each individual will try their own way to immerse themselves to the music and that is the key point, full immersion is required to fully appreciate it.
By this point most should know the current musical direction of Ulver so it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone on the nature of this soundtrack. To those who have enjoyed the latest outputs, Lyckantropen Themes is just the continuing journey led by Kris G. Rygg and company.
The End Records Website
Ulver Official Website
The End Records - 2003
By Rodrigo Escandon

The newest album by Ulver is actually the soundtrack to a short Swedish film titled "Lyckantropen" from director Steve Ericsson. How the music stacks up and is used in the film is something that at this moment can't be answered without seeing the actual film. But in comparison to the band's last studio effort Perdition City and the subsequent EP's that were released, Lyckantropen Themes continues the exploration of minimalist ambience that was more evident on the EP's than in Perdition City.
If Perdition City was an urban soundtrack journey, then Lyckantropen Themes now takes you to a journey through the countryside, at night with no one else around. Lyckantropen Themes improvises three chords to tell its story and only by shutting yourself from the outside world will you be able to truly submerge yourself into the hypnotic, dark and haunting effect of this album. This is music to play while lying down in bed, with no lights on or while being outside somewhere quiet at night staring at the starlit sky. These are only just a couple of suggestions knowing that each individual will try their own way to immerse themselves to the music and that is the key point, full immersion is required to fully appreciate it.
By this point most should know the current musical direction of Ulver so it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone on the nature of this soundtrack. To those who have enjoyed the latest outputs, Lyckantropen Themes is just the continuing journey led by Kris G. Rygg and company.
The End Records Website
Ulver Official Website