Ulver's nonmetal material


Sep 9, 2006
I'd like recommendations for Ulver's nonmetal material, so far I have Blood Inside and I like it, but I heard songs off Perdition City and the Blake album and liked it. So what do you recommend?
Perdition City is a masterpiece that you should own immediately. If you need further convincing:


Also, Lyckantropen Themes and Kveldssanger are excellent. Haven't heard their other stuff yet.
Teachings in Silence is something I used to listen to quite a bit. Lykantropen Themes is interesting for about 15 minutes. Everything else is super hit and miss from song to song, or even within songs.
The cool thing about Ulver's nonmetal stuff is it's pretty varied, so it all really depends on what you're into. If you really liked Blood Inside, then you'd probably dig A Quick Fix of Melancholy, Perdition City, and The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. The Silence EPs and Lyckantropen Themes are nice little ambient glitch sort of noise albums. And the other two soundtracks, Uno and Svidd Neger, are just awesome...very cinematic.
Well I'm about the biggest Ulver fanboy on these boards, and I reckon you can't go wrong with any of their catalogue. I rate Perdition City slightly ahead of Kveldssanger, but it's a matter of taste whether you prefer smooth electronic dark jazz or dark neo-folk.

I'm also one of the few who think that their most recent album Shadows of the Sun was a masterpiece. This one's in the vein of Blood Inside but more organic, more piano-based, and more of Garm's excellent vocals. Plus the Sabbath cover, Solitude, is probably one of the best covers I've ever heard.