UM CD Part 2 - Question for both bands and music lovers!


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Hi all,

You might remember the aborted attempt at a UM CD last year, which was cancelled due to various fundage problems.

Anyway, we're considering starting this idea off again, but with a different approach. Basically, we will be hoping to produce a small-run CD (at no cost to participating bands), at low cost to those of you interested in hearing new metal. It will be in a jewel-case, 4-page booklet, and 8-10 tracks.

Now my question/s to you:

Bands: Would you be interested in offering a track (not currently online, preferably!) to go on a CD at no cost, with the only repayment being a plug for your band/site/CD? :)

Music lovers: Would you spend £3/$5/5 euros on a CD of 8-10 tracks of new metal?

I thank you.
Mark said:
Music lovers: Would you spend £3/$5/5 euros on a CD of 8-10 tracks of new metal?

Possibly. Depends on what bands are on the CD. If I have never heard of many of the bands, I'd want to know what type of music they play.

Also, it depends on what the shipping rates to the States are.

BUt I am always ready for new music, so I'd be willing to pay for a quality product.

Plus, it helps UM.
Mark said:
Mark said:
Would you be interested in offering a track (not currently online, preferably!) to go on a CD at no cost, with the only repayment being a plug for your band/site/CD? :)

Would there be a limit for the length of the song? I remember last time I wanted to put a song on the cd, but was unable to because of a track length limit.
My band is done recording our EP in just a week or two and then we're mixing and mastering it..I would love to contribute a track. The sound is sort of heavy, riff based traditional American metal (think old Testament, old Savatage, old Stryper etc) with some progressive/death/power metal influences, if anyone is interested.